c h a p t e r 4

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timeskip : in class

as your walking into class with denki and sero you notice jirou sleeping at her desk.  you laugh and then sit in the desk in front of her.  you turn around in your chair and tap her "dude what happened to meeting up with me"

she flinches and then looks up "huh? oh sorry, i got a little sidetracked listening to music , and then class was about to start so i just came here"

you laugh "i see that , anyways do you know what we are even doing today in class?"

"i don't have a clue haha" she then looks over at this girl with pretty long black hair and smiles
(slight momoxjirou moment if y'all don't mind lolll - author)

"so, who's that haha" you laugh

"oh- she's uh- , that's momo yaoyorozu.. we went to highschool together" jirou says

"ohhh okay, well she's hella pretty! i seen the way you were smiling at her too, do u like her?" you ask

"what? ahh we're just friends haha" she laughs awkwardly

"mmm yea okay"

"hey y/n , come here" deku says from across the room

"ah hold up ... i'll be right back"

jirou nods and then you make your way over to where deku was sitting "so what's up?"

"oh uh , todoroki jus told me that you seemed kinda upset earlier while you were on the phone with someone , i jus wanted to know if you were okay"

"why would h- i mean haha yea i'm cool, nothing to worry about" you say

"oh okay! i just wanted to check"

"thanks deku" as your walking back to you seat looking down at your phone you bump into bakugou

"oi watch where the fuck your going los-"

"if you where paying attention then maybe you wouldn't have bumped into me either" you roll your eyes

"tch whatever dumbass, and what where you doing talking to that damn deku anyways" bakugou says

you raised your eyebrow "huh, cause he's nice and i think he's pretty cool, you have a problem?"

denki walks over to you and pulls you away "haha come on y/n, how bout i show you this new song ive been working on"

you sigh "ah fine, things where just starting to get fun though"

then out of no where , the teacher walked in and picked up a sleeping bag "alight class i'm just gonna get to the point, it's your first day but that doesn't mean no work. but on the flipside i want to sleep. so instead, how bout you guys pick out a class rep and then wake me up where your done. got it?"

you were surprised that your teacher was about to sleep in class but then again you couldn't blame him. and in all honesty you didn't really give a fuck about the whole class rep bullshit especially cause you didn't know anyone.

denki looked at you with his hand over his mouth and then said "the sleeping bag"

"shut up hahaa , i wanna sleep in a sleeping bag too lowkey"

he laughed "anyways what are you doing after school today i was thinking we could go somewhere and han- .. what?"

you where looking away with an embarrassing look on your face cause little did he know, you basically got back with your toxic ass boyfriend for the 163728992 time again. "ummm i'm kinda busy today ahahaha" you laugh

he a noticeably frowned a little "damn.. what are you doing though, hanging out with jirou?"

"not exactly, um.. shindo called me and he uh asked to hang out after school... and like before i could say no he hung up"

denki sighed "you definitely should ditch him and hang out with me instead" he nudged your shoulder.

"i would love to but i just can't.. i wanna at least hear him out"

"dude, you know it's gonna be the same old shit though" he says

"i-i know it's just that.. i don't know"

he just smiles at you "hey it's fine.. just don't get your heart broken anymore alright"

"i'll try, i'm gonna go back to my seat right now hahaha"

"alright , i'll see you after class" denki says

after a few hours of class time went it was about time for lunch.  you can jirou we're getting ready to leave until a girl came up to you guys.

"oh my god! it's been forever jirou, what's up?" one of the girls said

"oh hey mina, how have you been" jirou smiled

"i've been pretty great! have you said hi to momo at all yet?" mina said

"oh..yea no not yet haha" jirou said

"you should sit with us at lunch today so we could all catch up.  you should sit w us too by the way!" she looks at you

"oh thanks haha, but i think i'm gonna sit with my friend over there" you point at denki

"oh, okay! well you should at least walk with us.  i love making new friends" mina says

"haha okay i will.  so did you guys go to highschool together or something?" you ask

"yea, to be honest a lot of us here went to school together haha so its kinda weird that we all ended up at the same college"  jirou says

"oh well that's pretty cool, the only people i went to highschool with here is denki.. oh and well my boyfriend"

"you have a boyfriend?!  awe who is he?" mina asks excitedly

you show her your lock screen and tell her about how he wanted to go a different college and all that stuff.

"oh, so you guys have been dating for a little while now?  i think that's pretty cool"  mina says

you chose to leave out all the back and forth bullshit since you just met her.  also because sometimes you just feel like a dumbass talking about it.  your even questioning yourself now thinking about why your even gonna meet with the guy.

timeskip : after school

after lunch and a few more classes the end of your first day at UA was coming to an end. 

*today was ... interesting.  i gotta get back to the dorms so i can get out of these dumb uniforms*.    you thought to yourself as you where making your way to the dorm buildings.

word count: 1057

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