Chapter 24: Separation

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We started getting to know each other more while in the cell. There really wasn't much to do other than waiting for the next meal time so we could only entertain ourselves.

Noel was a lot more mature than I i thought. When we weren't talking, I noticed he had a mature aura around even for an adult.

He was still reluctant to talk about his background and I didn't really care either. We were already in a miserable situation and the last thing he needed was someone to probe into his private life.

Because we had the soot from burning the hay, we started writing on the walls and floor. He taught me how to write his name and I taught him mine. Then, we started scribbling random stuff on the wall.

"This is very beautiful." He held up my brooch and examined closely. I showed it to him after he asked me how I started the fire.

"A lady gave it to me." I thought for a while and continued, "You can have it."


"Yep." I nodded. I had a feeling we won't be together for long so I hope this would remind him of me if we ever get separated.

We continued scribbling on the wall and I wanted to draw him when I was reminded he was wearing the magic sealing choker too.

"Noel can use magic?"

"Yes, I can."

"What magic can Noel use?" I was very interested. It's rare to meet a child that can use magic.

"I can use ice magic."

"Woah......" I gasped. Ice magic. Like Els* from Froz*n. That's so cool, no pun intended. I wonder if he can create ice sculptures.

"What magic do you use, Ria?" He asked back.

"Healing magic!" I replied quickly.

"Healing magic?!" He seemed shock. "That's very rare magic."

Oh, I knew that. The game mentioned that there were only a few healing magic users. Even though healing magic could be learnt, it's hard to master. Astria, being the Holy Maiden, had completely mastered the healing arts.

"I'm sorry I cannot heal Noel......" I apologized to him. I really do feel sorry and helpless that I can't use my powers when I needed them.

"Don't worry! It doesn't hurt anymore. You don't need to be sorry." Noel quickly comforted me. "Oh, look. You have some soot on your face."

He gently rubbed my cheek to get the soot off my face. After he finished wiping, he realized we were only an inch apart and he quickly jumped back and blushed.

"Sorry! That was rude of me!" He turned away, trying to hide his blushing face.

"Thank you, Noel." I grinned. "Noel has some on your face too. Let me-"

"It's okay! I can do it myself!" He scrambled to wipe the soot off his face but it just became messier. I couldn't help but giggled.


Our fun time was interrupted by some footsteps that were coming closer to our cell. After a moment, the masked person accompanied by a few men stopped in front of our cell.

Noel subconciously pulled me and tried to hide me behind his back again. I clutched his hand nervously.

"You two are getting along, I see." Their velvety voice sent chills down my spine. "I feel bad now, haha."

The masked person turned to the men behind them and ordered, "Take him."

And without a pause, the men towered over us and grabbed Noel. He  struggled and kicked them but they were far stronger than him.

"Ria! Get back! It's dangerous!" Noel shouted. Even now, he was still thinking about keeping me safe.

I tried my best to hold onto Noel and pull him away from them but I was dragged along as well. Another man then pushed my back into the cell forcefully and when I tried to get back onto my feet, they had locked the cell door.

"NOEL!!" I screamed, tears started to blur my vision.

I reached out through the bars trying to get ahold of him but I could only see them take him away, leaving my hand in the air.

No! How could I let this happened?! ] promise I would protect him!!

My head was a mess as I collapsed onto the ground. I curled myself into a ball and let my tears fall. Knowing that Noel wasn't here to wipe away my tears hurt me even more. I sniffed and I tried to dry them myself.

After I broke down for a moment, I was finally calm enough. My tears had finally stopped.

Crying never gets anything done. That's why I hated crying more than anything.

I looked around once more, trying to find a way to escape and I had an idea. I piled the hay in the corners of the cell and picked up the lamp. I gave Noel the brooch so I can't produce fire like before but luckily the lamp was still burning. Without a second thought, I smashed the lamp onto the hay.

Oil from the lamp splattered onto the hay and soon after, a big fire was burning from my cell. Smoke started to fill the cell and I kept my body low to prevent myself from inhaling too much.

I wished badly for this plan to go well. Soon after, a few men came rushing to my cell and started shouting something which my mind had become too dizzy to try to comprehend.

I could feel myself losing consciousness. I couldn't afford to pass out here so I crawled my way to the door, as far as I can be from the fire.

I thought someone would come to put out the fire by now but after the men left, no one came back. As I tried to hold myself awake, I heard echoes of grunts of pain coming from the hallway.

Is someone fighting......?

My vision was getting clouded and I could barely hold onto myself any longer when I saw a figure coming closer to my cell. I thought the men were back but there was only a single person.

I tried my best to see in with the dim illumination of the hallway and right before I pass out, I heard a familiar voice.

"Oh my goodness, what's going on here?! Hang in there, little miss! I'll get you out!" The person rushed to my side.


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