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A/N: Holy shit we did it, 218 reads! if you guys wanna request anything please comment <3

Today was your last day at Hogwarts, you had finished all seven years. You sat at the slytherin table next to your long term boyfriend Draco Malfoy, Listening to Dumbledores end of the year speech and how he was extremely proud of every student and how far they've come. Every professor had gotten a chance to speak to say how they enjoyed teaching such smart students like you and how they hoped to teach your children someday.

It made you teary eyed, you were gonna miss waking up everyday and grabbing your wand, rushing to class. You dreaded the moment Dumbledore asked each house to bring up their uniforms and books, forever retiring the spells. Every student stood up and raised their wands one more time "Repeat after me.. TO HOGWARTS!" Dumbledore shouted and the echos of the student body collectively shouting it after him "TO HOGWARTS!".

Everybody laughed and giggled, hugging eachother and saying their final goodbyes as they would most likely never see eachother again. As soon as you said your goodbyes to Hermione Draco grabbed your hand and pulled you through the halls, smiling and laughing. You guys used to do this every night after school hours, the only time you got caught is when you got carried away with making out. Draco spun you and pulled you in for a kiss, when he pulled away though he quickly got down on one knee.

You gasped and teared up "y/n lupin.. ever since i laid my eyes in you i fell in love. You're so beautiful to me and i wouldn't want to spend my life with anyone who isn't you. Thank you for making me the happiest i've ever been in so long.. you've always made jokes about stealing my last name and i decided today would be the perfect day to make it come true. Y/N will you marry me?" he started to cry but cracked a smile. You started crying even harder and nodded agressively "Of course i will Malfoy!" he slipped the ring onto your finger and hugged you as soon as he stood up.

You hugged back tightly and pulled back cupping his cheeks and kissing him passionately. While on the train you set your wedding date and cuddled eachother. While you fiancé was asleep you admired your green diamond ring, smiling "i love you so much Draco.." you whispered and kissed his cheek lightly making sure not to wake him up.

two years later—

You sat in the chair while Hermione and Luna worked on your hair and makeup "i'm so glad we kept in touch over the years" you said smiling trying not to move to much. Luna chuckled "why wouldn't we?" Hermione put the last bobby pin in your hair and smiled brightly "you look stunning y/n.." Luna nodded in agreement. There was a knock on the door coming from Molly Weasley "it must be time!" you said taking deep breaths and making sure everything looked perfect.

Since your biological mom abandoned you during your 2nd year at Hogwarts, Molly stepped in and promised to walk you down the isle which made your heart dance with Joy. Molly took your arm and started walking with you as soon as the music started, you tried to hold yourself together but when you spotted your soon to be husband you started crying a little bit. You reached the end of the isle and Molly whispered in your ear "i'm so happy for you dear." she smiled and stood next to the rest of the bridesmaids.

Draco took your hands as the pastor spoke also crying a tiny bit. When the pastor asked you to read out loud your speech you knew your makeup wouldn't be lasting long. Pansy handed you the paper and you took a deep breath..

"When i first came to hogwarts i rejected your handshake much like Harry because i was afraid of being hurt. I pretty much avoided you for the whole first year i was there since a lot of people told me you were bad news, but if i'm being honest i hated it. We were only young so i thought it was a silly little crush that would go away after awhile but when i came back for the second year and was extremely down due to the fact.."

you choked up and trembled in your sentence since any reminder of your mom made you upset.

"due to the fact that my mom had given up on me because i was the only witch born in the family aside from my father and she hated it. I will never forget the day that i couldn't hold in my emotions any longer and became an emotional wreck in your dorm. You held me and reminded me that i didn't need her to be the strong girl i was, yes we were young but i realized that the silly old crush was a long lasting one. I'm so glad i didn't reject you that day during third year because i would've regretted it hugely. Now i get to marry you so heres to many more years together.

You smiled and wiped your tears handing the paper back to Pansy. After Dracos speech the pastor pronounced you Husband and wife. You and Draco kissed as everyone stood up and cheered, "you're officially y/n malfoy. That has a nice ring to it." you giggled and kissed him once more.

Draco Malfoy x y/n Where stories live. Discover now