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Genre: Fluff

It was a slow day, classes seemed like they were taking forever to be done, lunch seemed like it was never gonna end, and bedtime just seemed impossible, you felt defeated and overwhelmed with everything, work was getting thrown at you, you had quidditch practice was everyday, and pansy kept bothering you. After finally getting back to the slytherin common room you crashed on the couch dropping all your stuff on the floor "finally, i can relax" you took a deep breath and slowly breathed back out only for that relaxing moment to be ruined by some footsteps approaching you.

"Ah, Y/N, tired?" your boyfriend, Draco, asked you almost like he wanted to be slapped upside the head "whats it look like you bloody idiot?" you were obviously very exhausted and tired of stupid questions "sorry, just making sure you weren't dying." he chuckled and picked you up bridal style "we have a bed for a reason you git" slowy making his way to the room you guys shared in secret. You sighed wanting to punch him directly in the face "you're lucky i'm to tired, or i would've punched you by now, arsehole." Draco dramatically gasped "oh    y/n how could you, i'm so offended!" he lightly threw you onto the bed laying down next to you.

You just shook your head and shifted a bit to get comfy "I can't stand you prick" you mumbled tiredly and slowly drifted off to sleep feeling Dracos warm body press up against yours.

Draco Malfoy x y/n Where stories live. Discover now