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Genre: soft-fluffy
Tw: Mentions of abuse, past self harm

You never had the best life but you never told your friends or your boyfriend because you didn't like the pity and attention from it. After a recent interaction with snape it became obvious that something was going on in your life, first Ron, Hermione, and Harry noticed it and kept asking you, Then cedric heard it from eavesdropping on Harry and Rons conversation and bugged you about it, The only person that noticed but never asked was Draco. He knew how to respect you boundaries and always kept in mind that if you wanted him to know something you would tell him.

It was a slow tuesday afternoon, you had lunch and always sat with Draco, Crabbe, Goyle, and your bestfriend Pansy, you all were laughing and insulting eachother when Cedric walked over to you "So y/n, did mommy and daddy abuse you?" he sarcastically pouted his bottom lip and laughed looking at his group of friends behind him, Draco and Pansy looked at you and your heart dropped "w-what?" you gulped and looked back up at Cedric "I know you heard me but i guess theres only one way to find out.." he smirked raising his hand imitating as if he were going to hit you.

You flinched and put your hands up in defense whimpering loudly at the same time. You heard Cedric laughing as he walked away, Draco went to hug you but you hit his hand away "Please.. don't touch me" you sniffled and stood up, running into the womens restroom, Pansy looked at Draco "Don't worry.. just go up to the common room just give her time" she stood up chasing after you. You stood in the mirror and hit your hand off of the sink "stupid bloody Diggory!" you burst into tears "why can't people just leave alone about it".

Pansy soon found you and rushed into the bathroom to comfort you "There you are! are you okay?" she had a look of concern in her eyes "I'm fine Pansy, Just please leave me be.." you wiped your tears and walked past her "I'll talk to you later, okay?" Pansy nodded and watched you walk out. As you made your way up the staircase you heard two male voices bickering back and fourth.

"Diggory you bloody git! you're lucky i didn't mess you up at Lunch!"

"Well its not my fault Ron and Harry are gibber jabbers." you heard Cedric chuckle.

"I don't care what Ron and Harry are you don't do that to y/n! you don't know how much that affects her." Draco sounded angry but very worried at the same time.

You wanted to intervene before either of them hurt one another so you followed their voices and eventually found them "Draco and Cedric please stop arguing, Its okay really.. i probably deserved it since i did it to myself. I told Ron and Harry knowing that it would probably get around the school sooner or later.." you looked at both of them and let out a weak smile "Love, you didn't deserve it, Ron and Harry shouldn't have even repeated it again." Draco walked over to you and hugged you.

Cedric also walked over to you "I'm not apologizing.. just make sure they don't get out of azkaban" Cedric laughed and Draco unwrapped his arms from around you and punched Cedric square in the face, you gasped and tried to hold Draco back "PANSY!" you screamed and attempted to keep Cedric back. Pansy came running up as you signaled her to hold diggory back "LET GO OF HIM YOU BITCH, I WANNA SEE WHAT THIS DADDYS BOY HAS IN HIM!" Cedric yelled as your heart stopped and everything flashed white infront of you losing your grip on your boyfriend.

"you worthless little bitch you're never going to get anywhere in life"

"you're such a bitch! you don't ever disrespect your mother like that!"

You felt someones hands catch you before hitting the ground, you immediately came to it and started apologizing "sorry, i blacked out.." Draco kissed the top of your head "lets get back to the common room darling." he carried you all the way there bridal style peppering your face with kisses along the way. When you got to the common room he laid you down on the couch and covering you up with a fuzzy blanket that always sat on the back of it. You looked up at Draco who was walking away "noo come back" you whined "I want cuddles." you said crossing your arms.

He looked like he kind of hesitated a bit before turning around and walking back over to you "are you sure? I don't wanna overwhelm you since a lot just happened.." you smiled at how polite he was about giving you space "you already gave me enough bubs, i just want you right now." you both smiled as he got next to you and wrapped his arms around you but as soon as you felt him touch you, you broke out into tears putting your face in the crook of his neck.

Draco panicked and shushed you trying to calm you down "Shhh, its okay, you're alright, i'm right here y/n..." he whispered and carressed your back "they hurt me" you cried harder "always told me how worthless and useless i was, always telling me i wasn't ever going to be good enough for anyone" Draco teared up a little and lifted your chin up "y/n you're none of that and you know that, you're more than enough, everyone loves you, i love you and i always have.." you hugged him tightly "can i tell you something that you have to promise not to repeat it or tell anyone.. not even Pansy..?"

He nodded and sat up waiting for you to tell him whatever you needed to tell him, you took a deep breath and slowly pulled up your sleeve "i used to hurt myself.. everytime i was hit or yelled at.." you sniffled and looked up at Draco who was close to crying. He grabbed your arm carefully and started kissing the scars "promise me you don't do it anymore?" his voice breaking at the same time.

You took your other hand and cupped his face "I promise love" you smiled and kissed him softly.


A/N: sorry this is so long but i felt really inspired to write something like this. Hope you like it!

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