Internship: Prologue

Start from the beginning

It's a whole fucking sentence.



While the class was frozen from shock, Nemuri began altering the blonde's name. "Try taking out the 'I' and changing the 'cannot' to 'can't'."

Aoyama nodded. "It's stunning, mademoiselle."

Once Sparkle boi was done, Pinky stood up. "I'll go next! Hero name: Alien Queen!" Midnight ended up rejecting the name, making Ashido sulk.

Asui raised her hand. "Is it okay if I go next?"

"Of course! Come on up!"

Asui stood in front of the class with her whiteboard facing away from them, before she turned it around to present it to them. "I've had this name on my mind for awhile. The Rainy Season Hero: Froppy."

"Oh! It's sound so friendly! I like it!"

The musician rolled her eyes once again as the class began chanting "Froppy". These wannabe heroes were just too obnoxious. As time passed, more and more of the students began to present their names. (Y/n) only tuned into some of them, not really caring very much.



"The Sturdy Hero, my names Red Riot!"

"Red Riot? Interesting. You're paying homage to the Chivalrous Hero, Crimson Riot, yes?" Midnight asked. "That's right, he may be kind of old school, but someday I wanna be just like he was. Crimson is my idol" Red explained. Midnight accepted it, not surprising anyone.



"The Hearing Hero, I'm Earphone Jack."


"Now that's a good one!"



"The Tentacle Hero: Tentacole."

Eh. It's kinda good, but not the best.

The girl didn't want to judge Shoji that much. She didn't really hate him as much as the others, but it was solely because of the fact that he reminded her of Kiyo, with the mask and all. She would sometimes go to him with questions about anthropology, but times other than that, she mostly steered clear of him. (Y/n) didn't really have a problem with the anthropologist, but some of the things he said had kinda scared her.

Like the time he asked her if she wanted to be friends with his sister.






"Martial Arts Hero: Tailman."


Then again, (Y/n) couldn't really blame him for choosing that name. What else could he have come up with? There weren't a lot of name options for people who just had tails. Plus, Ojiro seemed pretty plain, not very creative. But from what she knew about plain people, they were never who they seemed. And she should know.

She used to be friends with Tsumugi.



"I hope I'll be able to live up to this name. The Everything Hero: Creati."


No, it's not. This bitch literally just took her quirk name and shortened it. Also, why hasn't she used her quirk to make a gun? She could've won our match back at the Sports Festival in a few seconds if she had a gun. Oh wait, hero school, right.

Oh fuck, Snipe has a gun tho-




Why is he like this..? (Y/n) deadpanned. He couldn't think of anything else? The girl scoffed for the 11037th time that day. Yes, she counted.



(Y/n) sighed and got up to present her name. She showed the class her whiteboard and stated in a bored tone "The name I chose is Siren."

Nemuri shook her head. "Wasn't that you're villain name? I'm pretty sure you can't use that."

The musician groaned and trudged back to her seat. She rested her chin on her palm, trying to think of something else. Suddenly, she snapped her head up as she heard a gruff voice.

"King Explosion Murder." Bakugo growled.

"That sounds pretty violent. I'm gonna need you to rethink that name." Nemuri told him.

"You can be Explosion Boy!" Red exclaimed.


(Y/n) snickered at the blondes misfortune. She looked back down at her blank whiteboard, racking her brain, trying to find something the Pro Hero would approve of so she would get off her back.

The girl could only think of one other name that she liked, but she didn't really want everyone calling her that. The name was really special to her. But, she could deal with it. Hesitantly, she wrote the name on the board and headed up to the podium.


"I like it! Songbird, as in a reference to your musical talent and quirk, yes?" Midnight asked, kind of proud of the (h/c)ette.

"No, it's because Songbirds are assholes and so am I." (Y/n) yawned, and walked back to her seat, satisfied. "Now let's see who the hell would want me as an intern . . ." She muttered, looking at the paper with the hero agency name on it. The girl almost choked on air when she saw the name.

Endeavor Hero Agency.

Why does that flaming piece of trash want me? I'd literally go with anyone else. Even Nemuri. I know for sure Endeavor is also going to scout Pretty boy, but given his feelings for his sperm donor, Todoroki's obviously not going to accept it.



I can't believe this motherfucker actually accepted it, (Y/n) thought. Her and Todoroki sat next to each other on the train ride to Endeavors agency. Every few seconds, Todoroki would turn to her and open his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but then quickly snapped it shut and turned away. The girl internally groaned. Is this bitch actually trying to talk to me?

When the duo had stepped inside the train, whispers had erupted from every direction, recognizing them both from their reputations and school. It irritated the musician to no end, but the boy next to her had remained indifferent.

"So (L/n), um... how are you today?" Todoroki asked awkwardly.

"Dead inside." (Y/n) told him as his eye's widened, surprised she even responded.

"Ah." He said.

"Hey, I'm going to take a nap, so wake me up when we get there." Todoroki nodded at her request, and the musician closed her eyes and let her head fall to the side.

As she slowly drifted off into sleep, (Y/n) had only one thought.

This internship is gonna be shit.

Fun fact: (Y/n) only went to the love hotel once, and when she did, she was traumatized. It was Kiyo's.

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