Charmy's Case Part Two: Team Sonic

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Charmy is flying around Hedgehog Village to try and find Sonic's old house. When he gets to the house, he looks through the window and sees Tails in there singing.


🎵Oh how I miss my good friends
We were oh so very close
Oh how I miss my good friends
I wish you would come back at most

Sonic was so speedy
He was super quick
Whenever people were needy
He would always be there at the time of nick

Amy was so smart
She loved her hammer and books
She had a really big heart
And some very stylish looks

Oh how I miss my good friends
It's sad that our story has to end
Oh how I miss my good friends
My good friends🎵

Charmy: Poor Tails. Maybe I should go in and talk to him.

Charmy goes up to the front of Tail's house and knocks on his door.

Tails: It's unlocked, come on in.

Charmy opens the door and flies into Tail's house.

Charmy: Hi Tails.

Tails: Charmy?

Tails walks over to Charmy

Tails: I haven't seen you in forever. Sorry we haven't been visiting you and The Chaotix lately.

Charmy: It's okay Tails. Hey, where are the others?

Tails: Hang on a sec. Knuckles, Sticks, we have a visitor!

Knuckles and Sticks go to the living room where Tails and Charmy are.

Charmy: Hey you guys.

Knuckles: Hey there, Charmy. I haven't seen you in forever, little guy.

Charmy: I missed you too, Knuckles.

Sticks looks at Charmy suspiciously.

Sticks: Don't trust him Knuckles! He must be an alien from another dimension! Kill him!

Knuckles: Charmy's an alien? For all these years, I thought he was a bee.

Sticks: Kill him! Kill the alien!

[Charmy screams]

Tails: Sticks no! Charmy's not an alien, he's our friend!

Sticks: Oh yeah? Prove it.

Charmy: I can do Tik Tok dances.

Sticks: Then do them.

Sticks: Not bad. I guess you're not an alien after all.

Charmy: Thanks I guess.

Tails: So what are you doing here, Charmy?

Charmy: I wanted to ask you guys some questions about Sonic and Amy.

Tails, Knuckles, and Stick's smiles turn into frowns.

Tails: I don't really know if we really want to talk to you about that, Charmy.

Charmy: I know you guys might not want to talk about it, but you kind of have to. It's my job.

Tails: Well, if you really need us to, then we'll do it.

Charmy: Great. Now, first question. What happened the day before Sonic and Amy died?

Tails: On the night before Sonic and Amy died, Sonic came home crying because he saw Amy cheating on him with Levi.

Charmy: Who's Levi?

Knuckles: Levi's Light's brother.

Charmy: You mean Levi's the brother of Light from InquisitorMaster?

Knuckles: Yep.

Charmy: Interesting.

Tails: Anyway, Sonic went to his room and cried for the rest of the night after what happened. He didn't even want to talk to any of us. Also that night, Clover came over.

Charmy: Who's Clover?

Tails: Clover is Sonic's childhood friend.

Charmy: But I thought Amy was Sonic's childhood friend.

Tails: Well, let me explain. When Amy moved to Sonic and Clover's school, she started going out with Sonic a lot, which made Clover jealous. When Clover asked if Sonic want to go on a date with her, Sonic declined and said that he was in love with Amy. Clover was so mad that she stopped being friends with Sonic and switched schools. After that happened, the only childhood friend Sonic had now was Amy.

Charmy: Oh. That's so sad.

Tails: Anyway, Clover came over and asked if Sonic wanted to go on a date with her. But Sonic declined, claiming that he didn't want to go on a date with anyone. We politely ask her to leave, but that girl wouldn't leave without a fight, but we were able to shoo her off eventually.

Charmy: What happened on the day that Sonic and Amy died.

Tails: That morning, Sonic got a text from Amy, which said that Amy was sorry for what happened last night and it was all just a misunderstanding. She also said that she wanted to go on a date with Sonic at the beach. Despite the fact he doesn't like water, Sonic accepted that date. I was kind of worried for him because of what happened the other day, but I waved it off of eventually.

Charmy: What happened after Sonic and Amy's date?

Tails starts to tear up.

Tails: The day after Sonic and Amy's date, the police showed up at the house and told us that Sonic and Amy were dead. They said that they found Sonic and Amy motionless in the water last night.

Charmy: Did Amy push Sonic in the water?

Tails: She couldn't have. She also drowned in the water

Charmy: Well, I should get going now. Thank you for cooperating with me even though you didn't want to.

Tails: You're welcome Charmy. It kind of made us feel a bit better once we told you about our problems.

Charmy: That's good to hear. Anyway, I have to go now. Bye guys.

Team Sonic: Bye Charmy.

Charmy flies out of the house and into the sky, but everyone will soon find out how Sonic and Amy actually died.

Sonic The Hedgehog belongs to Sega

The idea for this story plot is inspired by colorespio

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