Espio And Sally's Discovery.

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Espio was walking around the city trying to find some clues about the nine deaths. Suddenly, he bumped into someone.

Espio and ???: Oww!

Espio: Hey! What gives?

Sally: Sorry about that, Espio. I'm kinda in a hurry.

Espio looks up to see that the person who bumped into him was his friend, Sally Acorn.

Espio: Sally? what are you doing here?

Sally helps Espio off the ground.

Sally: I should be asking you the same question. I'm here to find out some clues about the nine deaths. I also wanna get revenge on the one who killed my sister and her boyfriend.

Espio: Really? Same here.

Sally: Unfortunately, I don't know how to find the clues or where to find them.

Espio: Maybe I can help you.

Sally: That would be really nice if you, Espio. Let's work together.

Espio: Sounds like a plan.

Espio and Sally walked around the city together to try and find some clues about the nine deaths. After about a half an hour of walking, they found a medium sized wooden shed that looked like it hasn't been used in ages.

Sally: What is that place?

Espio: I don't know, but whatever it is, it looks so old and rusty.

Sally: Seems like the owners of the shed need to do a better job at cleaning it.

Espio: Do you think the shed has something to do with the deaths?

Sally: Guess there's only one way to find out.

Espio and Sally walked towards the shed and they tried to open the door, but they then find out that it's locked.

Espio: Damn! The doors locked.

Sally: Looks like we're gonna have to find another way in.

Espio: How do you think we should get in?

Sally: How about through the window.

Espio and Sally walk towards the window and try to open it, but just like the door, it's also locked.

Espio: Damn! the windows locked as well.

Sally: Maybe we can try throwing some rocks at it.

Espio: Good thinking, Sally. I think there's some rocks not too far away from here. Let's go get some.

Cut to after Espio and Sally got the rocks.

Sally: Remember, we need to throw the rocks as hard as we can so we can break the window.

Espio: Right.

Espio and Sally started throwing some rocks at the window. A few seconds later, the window shattered, which gave them away in.

Sally: We did it! We can get in now!

Espio: Let's get in and out before somebody sees us.

Sally: Okay.

Espio and Sally jump through the window and into the shed, where they found some rusty an old furniture inside the shed, but that wasn't the only odd thing. Inside the shed they saw a chart with the nine dead people on it.

Sally: A plan chart. So the owners of the shed must be the ones who killed everyone!

Sally was so mad that she almost pulled the plan chart off the wall. However, before she could do anything...

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