It's Lovin' Time!

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Aria, Sonata, and Vector were in the office, talking about how they were gonna get Espio and Adagio together. Their plan was to steal one of Espio's ninja weapons and Adagio's necklace and they would get so annoyed that they would chase them into the attic and before they were able to tackle them to the ground, they would jump out the window and lock them in the attic. Then they would probably talk to each other and get to know each other more. And that's when they would start to have feelings for each other.

Aria: Alright, you guys! We got a distraction, a place, an idea, and it all adds up to a plan!

Sonata: Hopefully this works out.

Vector: And once we get Espio and Adagio trapped in the basement, they'll have the chance to get to know each other more. And if all is successful, they will offically be in Loveville! Population: Espagio!

Sonata: (Confused) What's Espagio?

Aria: The ship name for Espio and Adagio.

Sonata: You know, maybe we should go with Plan A first instead of Plan B.

Aria and Vector: (Angerly) No!

Aria: (Angerly) We are NOT about to have a bear attack and possibly kill Adagio, Sonata!

Sonata: Good point!

Suddenly, the front door opened and Charmy came in, looking very happy.

Charmy: Hey, guys! I'm home!

Vector: Hey, Charmy! How was school!

Charmy: (Cheerfully) School was awesome!

Aria: Never thought I'd hear someone say that.

Sonata: Yeah. Let alone a little kid.

Charmy: (Cheerfully) I meet three new friends today! The first one was a farm girl named Apple Bloom! She's a new student at our school!

Aria: Wait a minute! Isn't Apple Bloom related to Applejack?

Charmy: I think so. Why?

Aria: No reason!

Charmy: (Cheerfully) Second, I meet a famous YouTuber who goes by the name Draco! I learned that his sister Gold was using him for fame and me, Cream, Bunga, and Apple Bloom decided to be his friends!

Vector: That's pretty nice of you, Charmy.

Charmy: (Cheerfully) Lastly, I meet a girl named Lisa Simpson! She was the daughter of Homer Simpson before she mysteriously died! Me, Cream, Bunga, Apple Bloom, and Draco saw her getting bullied by six bullies and we decided to become friends with her, and now we're one big happy friend group!

Vector: Looks like you really did have a great day today, Charmy!

Charmy: Cream also invited me and everyone else in our friend group to a sleepover at her house to work on a school project! Can I go, Vector? Can I? Can I?! Can I?!!

Vector: Well, it is a school night.

Charmy: It is for a school project.

Vector: Sure, Charmy. Just be back by tomorrow morning so you can get ready for school.

Charmy: Yaaaay! Thank you, Vector!

Aria: Guys? Are we gonna do the plan?

Vector: Right! Wanna help us, Charmy?

Charmy: Sure!

Cut to Vector, Charmy, Aria, and Sonata in the living room holding Espio's kunai and Adagio's necklace.

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