Night 3: Genesis & Tee'Shani💚

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"Fuck fuck fuck." I silently cursed. Why did it have to be me. I'm not wishing this shit on nobody but damn. I looked at the pregnancy test and shook my head. I knew who the daddy was and it wasn't my boyfriends. Your probably wondering how I got here, well it all started with me being a dumb bitch.

2 months ago...

"But honestly fuck yo brothers and fuck Adrian ass too. You single act like it." Tee'Shani yelled. She handed me a shot and we both threw it back together.

"You right bitch fuck him." I said laughing. 3 weeks ago. He said I didn't support him but that wasn't true. He was an up and coming rapper and was starting to get a lil recognition. I was at every show, studio sessions, music videos, business deal, hell you name it and I was there. You seen him you'll probably see my ass too. The only time I couldn't make it to his shit is when I had to handle my shit. I was a med student and I still made time out of my busy schedule to see him.

3 week ago

"I don't support you oh really. Nigga you so ungrateful. Do you stay up all night with me helping me do homework or calling checking up on me to make sure I'm straight. Do you bring me home cooked meals to eat everyday. No the fuck you don't. But I do all that shit for you." I yelled. I was so over his ass right now.

"Listen I just think we needa break. Ion know if this what I really want anymore." I laughed.

"Oh niggas get a lil clout and think they that nigga. Well gone do you ADRIAN but don't be surprised when these bitches don't hold you down like I did. Get the fuck out." I sat down on my couch. I heard the door slammed pissing me off even more. Nigga didn't even fight so he been had this shit on his chest. Well fuck him too, I lit my blunt and smoked my frustration away.

This brings us to tonight. I broke up with him this morning and he acted like he didn't care. I was taking shots after shots. Being dick depressed was a mf. I ain't had no dick in 3 weeks and I'm used to getting that shit everyday. Mad, horny and hurt weren't a good combination but here I was all three. Had me doing reckless shit like one night stands without a condom.

"Fuccckkk righttt there." I moaned. This nigga had a monster and knew how to work that mf too.

"Shit you wet as fuck." He moaned in my ear. I grabbed the sheets, barely keeping up with him. When I tell y'all this nigga had me nutting back to back I meant that. All them shots I took had me extra freaky, doing splits on the dick and everything. Had his ass moaning like a bitch but he was also nutting in me like crazy. I don't know if we both was on some drugs but our stamina was crazy. Now I'm sitting here pregnant as fuck. Nomo baldhead hoe shit.

"Abortion?" I asked myself but knew I couldn't do that shit. I was a proud member of fock dem kids right now but I did want some in the future so I didn't want to take the chance of fucking up my body.

"Adoption?" Nah cus if somebody treat my child how they treated Erin I'll be in jail. Well what the fuck was I gone do. I didn't know how to tell him or my nigga for that matter. We just got back together too, like really fuck my life. I called the last person I expected. My big sister.

"Hello." Hearing her soft voice calmed me down for some reason.

"Sis can you come over I really need you right now." I said almost crying. Aurora and I had a weird relationship. We used to be super close when we were little then Erin got kidnapped and she distanced herself from all of us. I was hurt but understood, I was hurt too. Erin and I weren't as close but we were still close. When Erin came back Aurora devoted all her time to her and her alone so I went out searching for friends. Thats when I found my bestie Tee'Shani. She was there for me through everything and I loved her for that. The gap between me and Aurora just kept getting bigger till we rarely spoke or saw each other.

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⏰ Última atualização: Sep 04, 2022 ⏰

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