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Varian's P.O.V.

-"Let them go."

I gritted my teeth in anger and slowly walked out of the way. I knew we couldn't just attack them when they had her but I didn't want them to run away so easily either!

I tried to calm myself. Afterall, I had a plan. A simple one in fact. And I had everything I needed.

Andrew smirked again and slowly walked torwards us as the gaurds held down their weapons. Adam was walking close behind him. They walked past us and headed for the door. When they have almost reached it, Andrew made the mistake to look away from us for a few moments. That was all the time I needed.

I quickly reached in my pocket and brought out two pink balls and threw them at the two. The sound of my alchemy bomb got mixed with their scream as a pink smoke took over the room.

Adrian's P.O.V.

As we were walking torwards the door, in the very last seconds, a loud "puff" was heard right behind me and a pink smoke blurred everything as Andrew and Adam screamed. But in that moment, all I cared about was the sound of metal hitting a rock. There were no more pressure on my throat so I ran.

Seems like in ths state of shock Andrew have dropped the knife.

I ran to Eugene who quickly warpped his arms around me before worriedly looking back at the two. I turned to take a look as well and saw their legs stuck in a pink goo.

I looked the other way to see Varian glaring at them and already knew it was him. Eugene sat on his knees and lifted my chin up, looking at the bloody wound for a few seconds to see how deep it was.

-"Are you okay Adrian?? Does it hurt?"  He asked worriedly.

I smiled at him softly to reassure him I was fine.

-"No, I'm okay, don't worry."

He looked at me for a second to make sure every thing was fine. I couldn't help but to smile at his kidness. He then let go and get his sword, walking slowly torwards the two.

I looked back at Varian. He was the reason I could scape. He saved me...

I took a few steps torwards him but he hadn't noticed me yet. I was about to tap his sholder from the side when I was stopped by Eugene's terrified scream.

-"Adrian! Watch Out!"

I quickly turned my head torwards his voice when everything seemed to stop for a moment.

Flying right torwards my face, was the blood stained dagger that was held under my throat a minute ago.

I was frozen in place. I didn't know where it have came from or how it had happened. The only thing I knew, was that I had to move. But I couldn't.

I couldn't move at all. I was frozen in terror, sadness and shock. I didn't wanted to die! Just when everything was getting better... why now? Couldn't I at least enjoy it a little bit longer??

All I could do in the time I had was to close my eyes and and put up my hands for protection, embracing myself and waiting for the pain. But it never came...

Instead a heartbreaking scream was echoed through the dark hallways. The voice was familiar... too familiar for my liking. Terrified, I looked up, praying that I heard wrong. But it didn't...

As I looked up, I saw Varian falling to the ground with the knife stabbing him on his back near the back of his throat. An other scream boomed in my ears as I saw blood all over his body and felt the hot tears running down my face freely. And it took me a moment to realize, it was my own scream...


Hey! Sorry for veeeeeeery slow and short updates. I promise I'll make it up as soon as school give me a freaking break. Thanks for sticking around! Bye!

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