A new past

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Adrian's P.O.V.

I was sitting behind some bushes under a tree in a forest near the castle. My head on my knees trying to stop tears in vein. I knew they couldn't find me here. At least not so soon.

Around fifteen minutes later, I heard foot steps. I looked up slighty to see a black haired man looking down at me from a few feet away.


I was suprised that he was here but just burried my head between knees trying to hide tears he had already seen. He sat down next to me silently.

-"Why are you here...?"

-"To find you."


-"I work with animals so I'm a good tracker."

He answered me calmly not even looking my way.

-"You have the right to be mad at him but don't run away."

-"I just need some time alone..."

-"Be alone at the castle. In your room, in the stable, any where inside! World outside is more dangrouse than you think. Every one aren't nice like princess and her friends."

Dispite the pain in my heart I couldn't stop my self from smirking a bit.

-"I know more than enough about those kind of people."

-"So you should know that you had to stayed!"

Hearing him shout at me for some thing I know myself made a burning feeling inside me. But unlike what I always felt, it didn't want to burn me. It wanted to burn others.

-"I Said I know! I've lived with the people you're taking about! One of them is now in a cell inside the castle! So stop telling me what I already know!"

I somewhat shouted. As soon as I realized what I did I regreted it. More guilt washed over me.

-"I-I'm so sorry..."

-"It's okay. I know how you feel when others tell you what to do."

I looked at him with a ton of questions but decided I wasn't in a place to ask.

-"I'm just worried that you go the same way I did."

-"Wha-... what happened...?"

I asked before I could stop myself. I didn't expect him to answer but he did.

He let out a sigh and mutter under his breath.

-"Might be good if some one as well know..."

He whispered mostly to him self and started.

-"I lived in a kingdom far far away in a huge house with my parents. Every thing was perfect before my mother, die... I was ten. She died from an unknown sickness. And just like Quirin, it changed my father."

I felt so bad. Going throw pain yourself is some thing. But seeing others going throw a similair pain is a whole diffrent story. At that moment, I wanted to help him. But I didn't know how. Maybe letting him get it all out will help...

-"I'm so sooo sorry..."

-"It wasn't your fault."

He said looking at the horizen.

I didn't say any thing and just waited for him to continiue.

-"He went hard. Always busy and out of my reach. He wanted me to be doctor. At any cost! But I didn't want to. At that point, I believed doctors are fake because they couldn't help her. Month past and he was still on his word. Still busy and still hard. I was 14 when he told me that I have to go to another city to become a doctor. I refused and he started shouting that it wasn't my choice. And looking at him, I couldn't see the father I knew four years ago. So I ran away."

I could see a tear fall down before he look away to hide it. It was so sad to see some one so strong have so much pain burried deep inside.

-"I went to another town. I didn't know the world out side. With no way back, I was just trying to stay alive for a year. That's when I met my teacher. I tried to steal from him but he caught me. I tried to fight him and run away in vein. But he said I had the potansial to become a fighter. He offred me a deal. A room, food, cloth, money and other stuff. The only thing I had to do was to go with him and learn to fight. And of coursed I agreed. I was younger than others and I began late but I could manage."

He looked at the horizen again with a calm yet pained expression.

-"But I could never forget my past. I didn't trust others and never told any one. But I miss her. I left in a rush and I didn't even got a painting of her or a reminder."

He chuckled a bit before get lost in his memories and continiue with a happy yet sad face.

-"You know, she really loved roses. Every thing she had was related to rose. Her dresses, hair pins, and even her necklesses! She had this golden neckless with was shaped like a rose. She said "roses are one of the blessings in this world. They are soft, beautiful and have a really nice smell. They are living their life in peace." And because of that, I always remember her when I see a rose. She was a rose herself..."

His voice trailed of as she finished. I felt my heart shattered at this point. As far as I knew, he was a strong, free and calm man. But seeing him this broken inside, was painfull. I wanted to help him, even so small, at any cost.

I subconsiously reached to touch my neckless when it rang. I pulled it up and looked at three roses. In these few day, this neckless helped me lot. It was my only connection to my mother. The only person who have ever truely loved me.

But I managed fourteen years without it with him! So I think I can go on with out it. Helping him is the only thing that matters!

I took it off and held it to him.


He looked at it and then at me with confusion.

-"It was for my mother. You said roses remind you of your caring mother. So maybe it'll help you remind her. It helped me lot, I wish the same for you."

-"But, what about you?"

-"You need it more."

I gave him the most reassuring smile I could. He smiled back and took it in his hand. He looked at it and I could see tears shine in his eyes. Then he put it on and hided it behind his clothes.

-"Thank you, Adrian."

Hearing his voice, wich was happier than before, saying those words made me smile. I knew I would miss it a lot but he needs it more...


I know it's such a late update but life had been busy and I wasn't inspired at all. But my friends were so kind today and it was just so inspiring! Thank you!
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