The willow tree

203 14 40

Third person's P.O.V.

Only fifteen minutes had passed since Adrian and Quirin went in when Lance, Catalina and Kiera came to the gang.

-"Hey guys! What are you doing here?"

Lance asked cheerfully. The three looked up depressed.

-"Hey buddy. We are waiting for Adrian."

-"So she is here?! I wanna meet this little secret of yours!"

Angry stated exited.

-"Well, we should wait 'till Quirin finish explaining every thing."

Varian said in a monotone.

-"Didn't you plan for that to happen after you showed her the city?"

Lance asked.

-"And us?"

Kiera added.

-"Actually, nothing went as we've planned."

Varian told them.

-"It never goes."

The black haired girl muttered under her breath.

-"Isn't it better if you explain us every thing instead of having us asking tons of questions in vein?"

Angry stated while crossing her arms.

The three looked at each other. She had a point. So they sat down on the grass and started.

-"Well, first our work finished late and we went off when Nigel was saying some thing about a spy. We didn't mind him 'cause we didn't want to be late."

Eugene started, getting straight to the point.

-"When we got there, Dr.Galen told us she was in the hallways waitting for us since her tests had finished early."

Raps continiued and was followed by Varian.

-"But she wasn't there. We went back to throne room for help and Nigel insisted to show us a spy he had found in the castle."

-"He was getting on my nerves so I agreed. When the gaurds brought back the so called spy, we saw it was Adrian."

-"But then blondie's parents came in and since they thought Adrian knew every thing, they told that she looked like her mother."

-"Then she found out we know her parents and begged us to take her there. Sooo, here we are."

Varian finished the story.

Schnits family looked at each other.

-"Weird story."

Lance stated.

-"Bad luck."

Catalina commented.

-"You guys messed up."

Angry said calmly.

The three friends just sat there worried. The little family noticed it and tried to cheer them up.

-"Hey what are you going to show her after this?"

Red said trying to get a to better mood.

-"And, Varian, pleas don't get her to your lab. You don't want her to die out of bordem, do you?"

Angry joked.

-"Hey! She likes my work!"


They went from one subject to another for an hour. The sky was dark now.

Suddenly the door of hous shot open and a figure ran out to the horses.

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