ٳلی الجنؔۃ | To Paradise (II)

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A scenario where

you go with your best friend

deep into the forest

Walking, exploring together

and then suddenly you look beside you

and she's not there any more

you search and search

twigs hurting your feet

branches on the way

scared to the core

but you don't give up

and finally you find her

and you're mesmerized by the view

she's sitting on the rocks

the lake in front of her ;

a view that makes you speechless

And all that you faced on the way

Seems to be nothing

And all worth it

That is exactly how it is 

when you loose a loved one

 when Allah azzawajal

takes His servants back to him

 just hope with certainty 

that they're in jannah

and so strive

strive till you find them

 till you reach there ,

 reunited with them 

go through the hurdles of life

even if the twigs hurt you

and the trees don't seem to give you space 

go on , you will reach there

 and it will all be worth it

And if not someone who you met 

and loved in this dunya 

think of your beloved nabi 

صل الله عليه و سلم

in jannah, waiting for his ummah

and so all the hurdles you face 

all the difficulties you went through

will all be worth it 

so go on warrior

you can do this 

And in your journey to jannah

may Allah always be by your side 

may you never lose hope

(apologies for the very late update hehe  جزاك الله خير to those who pushed me to update 🤧❤ )

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