"Why me." I asked as i looked up at my mother in the picture, "Was i a bad child?" "Did i do something wrong?" "IM SORRY OKAY !!" I screamed as more tears came out the salty feeling on my busted lips.

I got up from the mattress and picked up the bag that held me and Brias clothes. I wasn't going to tell her what our  mother said because she was already so insecure for a 16 year old and the stuff we said at night always haunted me. I had to tell her mom kicked us out but where would we stay? Ethan lived with his grandma 45 minutes away and I can't ask him they already did so much for us.

I took the picture of me and Bria together in my hands and than walked out the room i spent my 19 years in, I looked back and just stared at the room for a second and than i closed the door all the memories coming in mind as i walked down the stairs, all the screaming at my mother, all the break downs in the corner of the room everything came back in only a split second and than I walked out the door.


When I finally arrived at Bria's school she was listening to music it only took a wave for her to glance up and once she did her eyes felt with nothing but sadness.

"Omg! butters what happened?!" Bria said touching my lip and examine my bruised eye.

"Nothing." I said planting on the fakest smile i could without crying.

"Did mom hit you?"

I just nodded knowing if i spoke i would began to break down, because no matter what each word that came out my mouth would sting.

"What's in your hands?" She asked while raising a brow.

"Momm-" i stuttered as tears started falling from my eyes as memories came, "Mommy she kicked us out." and with those three words I saw 3 different things flash in Brias eyes, hurt, betrayal and sadness all at once.

"What?" Bria grabbed my wrist and looked at the bruise, "Where are we going to stay?" she asked.

right now was around 4 and Ethan went out of town after he dropped me off at my business meeting but i had a risky idea.

I took out my phone and dialed a cab.

"Where are we going?" Bria asked with her lips quivering from her on the verge of tears.

"Shh." I said hugging her tightly and rubbing her back, she was quick to hug me back as she had a break down, "don't cry okay? we're going to be fine we always were."

When the cab made its stop in front of Bria and I we both walked in. I opened the the door for Bria to get in and once she slid in I hopped in the car as well closing it behind me.

"Hi, can u drop us off too 'Willson Industry'?" I asked as i was in the car; the driver nodded his head and begun to drive off, I held on to Bria's hand and she placed her head on my shoulder, I was looking outside the window as we were driving.

I hope this is going to work. I never understood why  Elizabeth always had to hurt us  she could never just be the mother that I knew she was and never the mother that I needed. It hurt knowing she was satisfied hurting her children and not caring.

Once the driver pulled up to the building I gave him a couple of dollars and a smile thanking him, he returned the smile. I looked down to Bria who had fallen asleep, I never knew how someone so beautiful and kind can also be so ruined and hurt by the world.

"Bria were here." I whispered shaking her shoulders.

Bria eyes flickered opened before wiping her mouth. I grabbed the bag full of me and Bria's stuff  and opened the door once Bria got out she closed the door and the cab drove off.

"Okay so once we get inside just don't say anything." I told Bria as we walked in.

The same receptionist that was there last time was still here. I walked up to her and I watched as her eyes grew wide.

"Omg! are u okay?" She exclaimed as she began to worry.

"I'm fine." I said and gave her a small sad smile, "Is Mr.Willson here by any chance?" I asked.

She nodded her head and than picked up her phone. I looked at Bria who looked in wowed by the place she was looking at every decor that hung on the perfectly white walls and the shiny black marble flooring she was also looking at the business people walking in and out and the security guards who held guns in every corner of the room.

"You may go see Mr.Willson." Vicky said and gave me one of her beautiful white smiles.

"Thank you." I said and returned her smile I grabbed Bria's hand and walked to the elevator.

"This place is fucking huge!" Bria exclaimed as we walked inside the elevator.

I laughed at her use of words and just nodded my head, She was the only person in the world that can make me laugh when I felt so down. We both watched the elevator go up as we looked down at the people.

"Look!" Bria said in a laughing fit she pointed to a guy that was digging in his butt and I giggled at her immaturity.

Once the doors opened and we were at the top floor me and Bria stepped out there were two guards standing near the door to Mr.Willson office both were buff, the one on the left looked to be in his 20's and was very handsome he had a sharp jaw line and dark brown hair, he was tan and had brown eyes; he had tattoos that was visible through the white button up that he was wearing that also went with the black dress shoes he had. The one on the right looked to be Bria's age but probably 1 year older but he still looked like someone not to mess with. He was also holding a gun and had stubbles of facial hair but only covered his jawline, he had dark green eyes and brown hair as well they both looked to be Italian but this one had more tattoos than I've come to seen, they covered his neck top to the bottom of his hands and I wondered what else they seem to cover.

Bria looked at me and squeezed the hold of my hand, she was scared and I could tell. "Sit here and stay until I come out." I told Bria and licked my lips as i tasted blood from the busted lip that had gotten worse. Bria nodded her head and sat down, I gave her the bag that I was holding and walked up to the curly haired girl who looked exhausted now.

"Hello, What can I do for you?" She asked with a raised brow.

"I was here to speak to Mr.Willson." I said for what felt like the hundredth time.

"Okay, you can go right in but Mr.Willson is in a bad mood, so don't say anything that can get u kilt." She said whispering the last part. I nodded my head and slowly walked over to the door and watched as the guards moved to the side they both had a smirk plastered on there lips and that's when chills ran down my spine.

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