Chapter 17

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My phone ringed on the bathroom sink and I quickly answered without looking at the number, "Hello?"

"Hi Baila."

I knew the voice right away it was my worker Samantha and I was quite confused why she was calling at 10am, "Hi Samantha, what's up?"

"My sister is having a baby right now and I was wondering if you can cover my shifts for today?" her voice was rushed as if she was in a hurry.

"Of course i'll be there in a few." after we exchange 'byes.' and what nots I walked out the bathroom and into my walking closet,

"Where are you going?" Jay asked standing in the doorway of the closet.

"Oh my friend Samantha needed me to cover her shift for today." I pulled on the black shirt and some leggings looking for the white vans and throwing them on.

"Are you sure?" He asked with a raised brow crossing his arms.

"What do you mean." I was putting my hair in a messy bun and once done I turned to face him.

He looked extremely good his sweatpants were low showing his v line and his chest on display revealing the designs on them and I wondered how he can look so flawless.

"Are you stable to work?"

I scoffed, "I don't need you worrying about me i'm fine." I brushed past him walking to the bathroom to apply some concealer under the bags of my eyes,

"Are you sure your fine, we can talk about it i'm here." He followed me inside with a worried expression,

"Jay." I tossed the concealer, "I'm really fucking fine and I don't need you caring about me." I snapped.

"Carrying about you?! that's exactly what the fuck you need," He looked beyond pissed but so was I, "You need someone too care for you." He stepped towards me and I just narrowed my eyes, "You need someone to hug you and tell you that it's  okay and that they'll be here for you, that they'll listen to you." he looked me in the eyes like he wanted too say something, "I'm that person."

"I don't need you to be that person, I don't need anyone but Bria i'm fine, i'm stable i'm living and breathing is that not enough for you?" I screamed.

I grew up being able to protect myself, to protect Bria and that was all I needed, I didn't need anything in return and Bria was kind enough to give me everything I gave her, Love, honesty and to understand and that's all I needed. I don't need this, a fucking "relationship." to hurt myself for falling to deep.

"You're not stable Baila!" he yelled, "What I saw last nig-"

"Don't fucking talk about last night." I cut him off I walked towards the door but he just moved in front of me, "Let me leave." I pushed him but he didn't budge, "Move." my voice was laced with venom and he was pissing me off even more.


"What Jay!? Oh my fucking god what! I was scared and confused and low that's all."

"You were alone Baila! Why can't you just let someone be here for you?!" He sighed running his hands over his face, "Why can't you let me be here for you?"

"Because Jay! I don't need you to be here. Sex! that's it, that's all this is," I gestured between us, "Why can't you let it just be sex?" I explained.

"Because I don't want it to be just sex Baila." he mumbled.

I shook my head no, "I'm not doing this right now." I pushed passed him grabbing my phone on the bed and a black purse before throwing the keys in and popping a mint gum in my mouth, "I'll see you later."

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