Final chapter: A day of wildflowers and roses

Start from the beginning

The ladies shared a glance, and a challenge was issued. The two of them threw themselves into their efforts with gusto, laughing so hard that their stomachs ached and their cheeks were rosier than ever. All the noise drew someone dear to Megan's heart near them, and he stood with his hand on his hip, watching the scene rather straight-faced.

"What's this, then?" Frederick asked. Sumia threw herself off of the ground and stood first. Megan sat up and suddenly realized that she was rather wet and cold. Her thighs would begin to sting soon if she didn't get up andout of this freezing snow.

"Oh, Frederick, I was just on my way to see you," she said as he examined her surroundings and raised an eyebrow. "Well, you see--" she began to try to explain.

"It was my fault!" Sumia said abruptly. "I was clumsy as usual, and--" she once again tried to take the blame for what had happened, but Megan interjected, "No, Sumia, I told you already, I wasn't thinking, and I was the one who--" but Sumia wouldn't hear of it, replying,

"Frederick, Megan's being too kind, you know me, I'm always ruining things. . . ."

"I won't hear any more of that!" Megan yelled, "But if I don't get up soon, my butt's gonna freeze off and stay behind in this snow, and I'd much rather have my butt stay on -my- behind, so. . . ." Sumia was startled at first, but then looked at Frederick and let out a small chuckle. He shook his head and offered Megan his hand.

"We can't have that, can we?" he said, smirking. She smiled and pulled on his hand, stood, and then they were face to face.

"Ah," Frederick said quietly. He looked deep into her eyes for a moment, and Megan felt like she was blushing, though it was hard to tell after the recent activity and exposure to the cold air. Either way, Frederick was like warm sunlight cutting through a cold dark night, and she knew that was cheesy, but it also felt like the truth. Their love was her truth.

Her thoughts must have run away with her, because she was now looking at his beautiful brown hair, his face tilted downward, eyes looking her over and mouth frowning.

"Perhaps you weren't joking about the freezing part, my love," he said concernedly. "I won't have you getting sick. Let's make our way to the kitchens," he gestured over yonder. "I've been starting cooking fires for the holiday meal preparations, and you should both warm yourselves before you catch the flu. . . ." he trailed off, brow furrowed. "Was making snow angels really necessary?" he asked. "They hardly seem worth getting sick over. . . ."

Megan looked back at the snow angels that she and Sumia had made together, and then to Sumia herself. They shared a smile. "Maybe necessary isn't quite the right word to use," Megan replied, "but it was worth it. It was an irreplaceable holiday gift, Sumia, and I thank you for it."

Sumia raised her hand to her chest. Her face glowed. "Me too," she said, "Thank you, Megan. You've turned this mess into the highlight of my morning." She chuckled. "It was fun."

"I think that I now fully understand the situation,"Frederick said, tilting his head toward them slightly. "I'm glad that no harm has been done. It actually seems quite the opposite, looking at your happy faces." He smiled, and placed the brown paper package into Megan's hands. "You dropped this, didn't you? If you're ready, let's hasten to the kitchens."

When did he?! But, ah. . . .Frederick always was thorough when examining the terrain, as he often checked the roads for obstacles or dangers. It seems that he'd noticed the package dropped in the snow when taking in the scene earlier. Well, he didn't seem to realize exactly what it was, or perhaps he was just being polite and waiting until Megan was ready to present it to him. Either way, Sumia nodded at her and they finally made their way to the cooking fires.

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