Chapter 1

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*picture of Jake*

What the hell is going on? Why is my heart beating so fast. All I did was walk through these double doors and enter the school and I saw a beautiful girl with the most perfect mocha skin. She looked lost and I know she was new because I've never seen her before and we're about a month and a half into the school year. Just as I'm on my way to approach her-

"What's up Jake? So you remember that stuff we took for Nick that we weren't supposed to talk about"?

"Yes what about"? I said urgently not wanting to loose focus of the beauty.

"Well, we have a problem".

"Cooke, it can wait". I said brushing past him to look for this chocolate beauty.

Cooke let out a little chuckle.

"But, it can't wait! Do you know who it Belonged to"?

I sighed realizing I lost her and I turned my attention back to Cooke.

"This better be good dude".

"It was Toby V's. I'm pretty sure Nick knew, but just needed someone to do his dirty work knowing we're OG costumers"

My eyes widened. I'm used to getting in trouble and all, by teachers and cops sometimes, but this was more than that. We're talking life and death. Toby V was THE biggest gang leader in our area and messing with him was a death wish.

"What the fuck Cooke? I can't believe we let Nick talk us into some shit like that. He's our drug dealer for crying out loud I knew there'd be strings attached". I whisper yelled

"It's cool, it'll be alright. We'll just return it tonight and everything will be fine" Cooke said

"It better be. I'll see you at lunch"

"Later dude" Cooke said walking the opposite direction.

Cooke has always had my back from the get go and vice versa. I started making my way to my first period when I caught a glance of the beautiful girl through the office windows. She was waiting for assistance. This can't wait I'm too eager to talk to her.

I've got it

My first period teacher Mr.Dickinson is pretty strict so this is perfect. The bell finally rang.

Let the show begin

"Mr. Stevenson why are you walking into my class 2 minutes late"?

"Don't worry about it"

"Jake, tell me the excuse or I'll have to mark you unexcused"

"Come on Mr.Dick. Don't be such a dick, dicky".

I could see the irritation in his eyes. He was about to spazz already. I didn't even give him my good material.

"Jake, I'm not putting up with nonsense today". He said sternly

"Do you like dick? Well do ya Mr. Di-"


I've never pushed his buttons this hard before. His eyes were practically buldging out of his head and his face was red like a tomato.

Mission Accomplished

When I got to the office the mocha colored beauty was still waiting for assistance. I swing the office door open making a scene causing her to look at me. I winked and took a seat beside her.

"Hey mama, I'm Jake" I said with a smirk

She slightly turned her head and eyed me. She opened her mouth and right before she could say anything

"Corie Gold" our Principle Mrs.Barrett said.

She darted up. Mrs.Barrett looked over to me and rolled her eyes. "It's been a while Jake, I'll deal with you later" she said as she walked off with Corie walking behind her.

Corie, her name is Corie, I thought to myself.

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