Chapter 3

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*Pic of Cooke*

When I got home i though that I was there alone, but when I got there i saw no other than Monica. Ugh, just the sound of her name made me cringe. But what was even worse was the fact tht she was in MY ROOM.

"What are you doing in here" I said annoyed

"Chillax, girl I just came up to wait here for you and to pick out an outfit for tonight".

I gave her a confused look.


"Your father and I are going out and I thought you would've had something cute in your closet, but there's nothing good".

I'm really about to pop off on her, but she would probably snitch to my Dad and he wouldn't believe my side of the story.

"Cool beans, so can you get out now"

She scoffed, "Ru-de" she said acting like what I said offended her.

I rolled my eyes. Once she left I immediately started stripping and preparing for my shower. I was in there for about an hour and a half. I jammed to; The Weekend, Ariana Grande, Big Sean, Shawn Mendes, Sam Smith, Jack and Jack, Skate, Logic, Odd Future, and more. I just love music. I only decided to get out because my fingers started to look like raisins. When I dried up and put lotion on I noticed I had a text.

"Hey Cherry lips"

I thought of the different possiblities of people it could've been. I finally decided to text the number back.

Me:"Who's this?, lol"

Jake:"The one, the only, the cute, dashing, cute, extremely attractive, Jake stevenson. Oh, did i mention I was cute and attractive"?

Me:"Conceited much"?

Jake: 'Nah, just confident"

Me:" Or cocky..., but whatever floats your boat. Anyways....How'd you get my number?"

Jake: "That's for me to know and you to never find out". 

Me:" Ok...I'll just see you tomorrow. Imma take a nap".

Jake: "Night, sleeping beauty"

Me:Ew, No!

Jake: Lol

After finishing my convo with Jake I just dosed off



"Can you please be more quiet, Corie is sleeping"


"I was caught up with some work back at the office" .

"Don't fucking lie to me Linda"

"Y-you don't think I'm cheating do you"?


"George, look around you, we have a beautiful house, cars, and not to mention a gorgeous daughter, you think I'd ruin that all in a drop of you must be damn crazy. I don't need this right now, fuck you" !


They thought I was alseep, but I saw everything. I was just little girl when my Mom died. The look my mom had right before she rushed out the door when my father slapped her was a look I was far too unfamiliar with. That night was the last time I'd seen her too. She sped off, and ran a red light and got hit by a truck driver. 


I woke up the next morning around 5, I immediately showered so I could gather my thoughts. I rarely dream about my mom. I try not to think about her much as well just because I don't wanna be remind who the partial cause of her death was. I got out the shower and threw in some on a black v-neck, black Adidas sweats, and low cut concords and kicked ithe out the door. I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone. When I got there I made it my mission to avoid talking to Jake. But, it was made impossible when I saw him at my locker this morning.

"Isn't it illegal to stalk people"

"I'm not stalking I'm ju...."

*long pause*


"okay, you call it stalking, I call it waiting for a cute girl to show up at her locker.

I rolled my eyes and started to twist my lock, but I stopped when I started to feel Jake's eyes violating me.

"Um...Do you mind NOT eye raping me"

"I can't help it, your ass looks great in those pants....and we're twinning"

I stepped back and looked at Jake up and down, and damn it, he was right.

"Are you gonna change"? I asked him knowing he'd say no. He let out a huge laugh.

"You've got me highly fucked up. It's not so bad, maybe people will think it was planned and it's cute. Or what if they start shipping us? Jake said sarcastically". I cringed as the words rolled off his tougne.

"Bye" I said as I closed my locker and started walking away.

*sigh* This is gonna be a long day.

I'm sorry this took so long, it's probably not as good as it could've been. Some family stuff came up. Then school hit me. Then, I started to procrastinate, but..........I'm sorry I'm a bad person. Please give me feedback.

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