A night out (1)

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Night was slowly emerging and everyone was getting to head out. Lee jihye was getting her hair straightened by seolhwa, Dokja was wearing a white cardigan with a black shirt while Jonghyuk wore a simple black button up. Sangah had come out wearing a black long sleeve dress that suited her very well.

"You look beautiful sangah" heewon said while entering the lounge room with her arms nervously crossing. She had borrowed one of uriels more revealing black dresses.

Jihye had finally finished getting ready and tried to show off her youthful beauty but was sadly overshadowed by jang hayoung entrance "are you ready to go?" She said, her natural beauty slapped Jonghyuks so it didn't matter what she wore she'd look good in anything.

Everyone began making their way to the limousine while i threw on a leather jacket over my hoodie.

"Are you going like that?" Dokja asked

"Huh, what's wrong with this?"

Dokja let off a small laugh before saying "nothing, i thought maybe I'd finally get to see you wearing some girly outfits"

I gave him a teasing smile and said "did i ruin your fantasy, pervert"

He simply laughed off my joke and headed towards the others.

We had finally entered the club as VIP's since we had saved the world and people have finally gotten over Jonghyuks "terrorist attack". We preceded to make our way further in and met up with uriel and the other constellations who had left before hand.

Uriel had dragged dokja to the VIP section and everyone followed except me, i had decided to head to the bar. I had ordered a cola before making my way to the VIP room with the others.

Everyone had already started drinking, ABFD (abyssal black flame dragon) had already blacked out with the bald general. Uriel could barely stand and slurred all of her words, she was wrapped around dokja tightly while trying to feed him some drinks.

Jihye, Jonghyuk and the others had all started drinking hard while me and sangah had finished our cola and eating before deciding to sip on some wine.

Everyone was in high spirits, remembering good times and their accomplishments on the battlefield but they were also talking about how happy they were now that those times are over.

The room had fallen silent for a few moments before seolhwa stood up, walked in front of Jonghyuk, grabbed him by the hands and dragged him off his chair saying "let's go dance" the two exited the VIP room and headed down towards the dance floor with seolhwa leading Jonghyuk by the hand.

Everyone laughed while shouting encouragement to the two of them, Jonghyuk stood in the middle of the dance floor with his blank facial expression and his eyes looking at the people around while seolhwa danced in front of him.

"What the hell is that bastard doing?" I said while watching the scene

"I don't think master can dance" jihye replied

"Damn that's gotta be embarrassing if i were him i wouldn't have showe..." before hayoung could finish her sentence Jonghyuk had started dancing, his movements were exceptional, he was mimicking the dance moves of the best dancers around him

"As expected of that guy" dokja said

Everyone's jaws had dropped due to how good Jonghyuk was at dancing, the smile on seolhwas' face had grown even bigger while Jonghyuks dance moves began to improve. It wasn't long before Jonghyuk stopped mimicking and started to surpass all the dancers on the dance floor.

"Let's all go!" Jihye said, it appears that Jonghyuks moves had inspired her to dance. Sangah and hayoung went with jihye while i stayed with the barely stable uriel.

The VIP room was on the second floor so i could everyone on the dance floor jihye wasn't a bad dancer although sangah and hayoung had better looks jihye was younger and her dance moves helped her stand out more.

It wasn't long before guys started to dance around them and attempt their pick up lines but in the corner of my eye i noticed a big man with muscles of steel dancing. It was Hyunsung and Heewon, they were also dancing, Hyunsung was an awkward dancer but that didn't stop him from having a good time.

The two of them had some of the biggest smiles i could see although Hyunsung wasn't a good dancer it looked like heewon enjoyed his company. The most he could do was step side to side to the beat while occasionally grabbing heewons hand and spinning her.

"It's a heartwarming sight" dokja said. I hadn't even noticed that had moved next to me.

"I'm sure your terrible dancing would be a better sight" i jokingly replied

"No thanks, the embarrassment would kill me" he replied.

"All you do is die, so what's one more time?"

"I wouldn't want to revive after this one"

We both laughed for a while and continued to watch the sight for a little while longer. We both zoned out and stared silently at everyone for a while before i asked "do you want to dance?"

Dokja had snapped out of it and asked "what was that?"


I clicked my before replying "nothing"

We stood quietly before dokja said "sure" i looked to my left and noticed him smiling brightly with his hand extended towrds me.

My eyes opened wide and the only thing i could bring myself to say was "are you sure?"

He maintained his smile and said "why not?"

I gave him a cheeky smile and said "you might die of embarrassment"

"All i do is die apparently"

I grabbed his hand and said "I Don't like being bored so don't let me down".

Han Sooyoung X Kim Dokja (Fan Fic) Omniscient Reader's ViewpointWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt