Explosive Deceiver

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With Sada and Todoroki being rushed off of the arena, and Sada being taken to his home. Present Mic was left to announce a break for the third round of match ups to be prepared. Every student was free to do whatever after the next match ups were shown.

"ALRIGHT EVERYONE! We're on our second to last round of the UA sports festival, so I KNOW you're all just as excited as I am! Lets see the matchups for this round!" Present Mic screamed with excitement.

Suddenly, the screen flashed and showed the match ups.

Aya Chiaki vs. Katsuki Bakugou

Shoto Todoroki vs. Izuku Midoriya

The names that were listed stirred into a cheer from the audience. While everyone in the classes made their bets as to who would win, some others were less anxious by the matchups... primarily Izuku Midoroya, who was pinned against Todoroki. The very same classmate that declared war against him...

Turning back, he saw Todoroki's gaze was focused on the screen. Turning away from the class, he walked away and left everyone to themselves...

"Hey.. You'll beat him. You don't have to worry" Ochako smiled, hoping to cheer Izuku up. Turning to face her, Izuku nodded and smiled a bit.

"...I'm.. sorry. You guys were taken out of the game, and it was my fault.." Izuku lamented. However, Ochako's smile did waver a bit, she just sighed softly.

"...I'm at least glad you don't plan on giving up.. do you?" Ochako asked, looking up to Izuku, who nodded.

'I have to win this... For All Might... For everyone.. For myself.'

Izuku was instantly pulled out of his thoughts as Bakugou's sudden shout exploded from behind him.

"ALRIGHT KAREN-CUT! Give it your best shot, or I'll kill you!" Bakugou growled, clenching his fists as steam poured out from them. Aya remained indifferent, seemingly ignoring Bakugou... Up until he grumbled and stormed in front of her, standing before Aya with his typical pissed off expression.

"Give it your all, or quit. I might not know what your stupid quirk is, but I will be the indisputable winner of this." He growled more. Aya's sharp eyes narrowed a bit as she stood up, walking past Bakugou without a word, having Mina, Momo, and Tokoyami hesitantly follow behind her. Bakugou clicked his tongue as he turned back to the arena, ready to fight... even if he didn't know what her quirk was.


As the break grew closer to ending, Himari glanced over to Bakugou, who had an angered look as his foot rested on the seat in front of his own. Glancing back at the match up...

Aya was powerful, sure.. but only on occasion. She was at an inherent disadvantage against him. Hugging her cloud a little tighter, she sighed and tried her best to try and have hope for her friend...


As Aya walked away from the class, she summoned two twenty-sided dice into her hand. Narrowing her eyes, she tossed them for the sake of it. With both landing on a thirteen and an eighteen, the numbers lit up a bit as the dice faded away.

With the eighteen on insight, Aya's eyes glowed a bit as she turned around, seeing Momo and Mina both approach her. Raising a brow, Aya crossed her arms and faced the two.

"Your next match is gonna be tough.. Bakugou isn't a pushover" Mina expressed. "Especially with how your quirk works. You might not be able to land heavy enough hits to take him down.."

"I know. But don't mistake Bakugou's strength for my weakness. I have a plan." Aya established, fiddling with two twenty sided die between her fingers...

True-Heroism 2: The Sports FestivalOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant