Brain Vs. Brawn

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"What an absolutely crazy battle between the two students from the Hero course! Goes to show just what these students are bringing to the table for anyone who may want to recruit them!" Present Mic pointed out, earning several murmures amongst the pro heroes that observed the fight with interest from both performances of each of the students.

With both students being rushed to the medbay for recovery, Cementoss cleared the arena off for the next battle.


Sumire stretched her arms out a bit, keeping a beaming smile as she was already in the arena, throwing some punches and kicks to show off her martial arts talents. She grinned to herself, looking up to see some of her classmates cheering for her, even seeing Shinsou looking down with a glint of pride in his eyes.

"Don't worry Bro! I got this!" Sumire shouted, waving her arms around as her opponent walked onto the arena. Sumire turned around and smirked, cracking her knuckles as she saw a 5'10" girl standing on the other side of the arena with narrowed eyes...

"Woah.. It's you! SHINSOU! SHINSOU, IT'S THE PRETTY ELF LADY!" Sumire shouted, pointing at her opponent, making Aya sigh in irritation.

"That's right Ladies and Gentlemen! Our next battle unfortunately may seem a tad underwhelming compared to our last one. Now we have Sumire Ensue, a student from General studies, and Aya Chiaki, one of the top students of the Hero Course! We have one student who has a quirk nobody knows about, and another who has a quirk that nobody understands! I think we can all guess how this goes!" Present Mic announced.

"HI PRETTY ELF LADY! Though, I guess your actual name is 'Aya Chiaki', huh? Nice! Before we fight, I gotta tie my shoes! One sec" Sumire kneeled down a bit, but as soon as she did...


As Sumire began tying her shoes, she looked up to see that Aya was already above her. Widening her eyes, Sumire hopped out of the way and continued to tie her shoe while hopping away on one foot, humming to herself as she carefully tried to dodge each attack..

As Aya crashed her fist into the ground. What surprised Sumire was the several twenty sided dice that fell from the attack, all landing on higher end numbers...

While Sumire flipped onto her back, kicking Aya away as she reached out and grabbed a die.

"Huh.. a Twenty-AG!" Sumire grunted, taking a powerful strike to the side as Aya kicked her while she was on the ground. However, Sumire managed to land on her feet, still struggling to tie her shoe while avoiding the attacks.

"you make a loop-de-loop and pull.. and now your shoes.. AH! WAIT!-are looking.. AH-HAH!-COOL! Got it!" Sumire cheered, turning around to swing her leg at Aya, who just barely dodged the kick and tried to launch Sumire back with a burst of purple energy. Sumire was knocked back, but caught her footing and stood up. Standing up right, Aya's eyes glowed a bright purple as she charged straight at Sumire, preparing several chains of lightning to strike her down.

Swiftly dodging each attack, Sumire tried to get closer to her opponent, but was shocked by a chain and grabbed by Aya, being thrown back.

However, Sumire grappled onto Aya and landed onto her feet, using the momentum to force Aya over her own body, and slam her onto the arena floor in a similar fashion to Shinsou.

Taking her moment, Sumire tried to restrain Aya. However, the moment she opened her eyes, Sumire was sent further away.


"Dang it.. Come on, Big Sis Aya.." Himari pleaded, watching Aya get slammed onto the ground. What surprised her was how slow she was to get up...

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