The Obsitcle Course

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"In a world of heroes, It's definitely difficult to stand out without a flashy quirk! Aye, Erasure head?" Present Mic grinned, pointing at his partner as he grumbled and turned a tired eye towards him.

"I'm not talking, idiot."


Back at the Obsatcle Course, Todoroki froze the line he was on, preventing anyone from following after him as he swiftly tried to keep his lead.

However, as he was running, he turned back and saw Aya and Bakugou had only grown closer, with Bakugou attempting to attack Aya and Todoroki to gain the first place spot.

After an explosion knocked Aya back a bit, Bakugou boosted himself straight towards Todoroki, shouting that neither of them could beat him.

Further behind the three leads, Tenya Iida narrowed his eyes at the line that he intended to cross, preparing himself for what he planned to do.

'My brother must be watching me.. I cannot afford to look foolish! I got this!' He internally shouted, raising his arms as he crossed his legs, using his leg engines to boost himself ahead and try to finish as quickly as possible.

All while struggling to keep his balance...

"OH BOY DOES HE LOOK FOOLISH!" Present Mic cackled.

However, the screens in the stadium showed Shoto Todoroki, and just how far of a lead him, Bakugou, and Aya have had in the race.

"Dang. That kid has a seriously far lead.."
"Yeah. And it's not only because of his quirk, but his judgement and athletic skills..."
"Well, duh. Don't you know who that is? That's the son of Endeavor, the Number Two hero!"


At the beginning of the pit, Kaneri and Kirishima both tried their best to get across on the same line. While they both struggled with their nerves, to the point to where Kaneri used her quirk to even her weight further, Kirishima looked up and saw the amount of students that simply flew over, or skipped their way through the pit. Sighing softly, he continued to move on...

Up until he heard Kaneri squeak...

"Uh.. Kaneri? You go-" Kirishima began, only to cut himself off as his eyes widened...


Kaneri was loosing her balance...

Falling over, Kaneri did whatever she could to try and find her balance, up until she fell...

Kirishima's face went pale as his body moved, turning around and jumping to grab Kaneri, using his other hand to firmly grab onto the rope that they tried to balance on with one hand, while holding Kaneri's wrist with the other.

"DAMN IT!" The red haired boy shouted, trying his best to hang on and keep them both up as tears began to stream down Kaneri's face...

"It's alright! I've got you!" Kirishima grunted, trying to find a way to get out of this situation. However, his quirk was only hardening... There was nothing he could do...

Sure, he could drop her. Kirishima could let go of a friend, a classmate, and save himself. He could get through the obsatcle course and get a good placement in the sports festival...

But... that's not what a Hero would do.

Ane so, the boy only tightened his grip on Kaneri's wrist, to which Kaneri wrapped her hand around his. Kirishima gritted his teeth, fighting against their combined weight and tried to lift Kaneri up higher to give her a chance to reach up for the rope...

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