Chapter 1: Are you okay, Tine?

Start from the beginning

My eyes closed and everything started to go blank.



"Are you okay?"







"Mr Teepakorn?"

Mr Teepakorn?"

Can you hear me Mr Teepakorn?"

I slowly opened my eyes and saw a white ceiling. There was a doctor and a couple of nurses looking right at me. Ah fuck. I definitely shouldn't have run. Sarawat is going to be so angry and worried.

"Mr Teepakorn, can you hear me? Do you feel any kind of pain or discomfort?"

"Ah. Yes, I think. My head hurts a little"

"Okay, we'll give some pain relievers, they should start working soon. You some scratches on your right arm because of the broken glass of the car window and a sprain in your left ankle. But apart from that everything looks okay.

Can you tell me your full name and the date today?"

"Ah. I am Tine Teepakorn. I think its July 5th, 2017 today. Thank god it's a Sunday today, right? I can't miss my lectures at college tomorrow."

"I see. How old are you Mr Teepakorn?"

"I am 22 years old. Do you need my information for insurance purposes?"

"No, I already have your insurance information actually. Can you tell me what's the last thing you remember Mr Teepakorn?"

"Umm.. I was out drinking with my friends. Me and my boyfriend were going back home when I hit my head on a pole near the bus stand. Oh that reminds me..." I tried getting out of bed. "My boyfriend must be waiting for me outside. Can you please tell him to come inside? He must be worried out of his mind."

"Mr Teepakorn, I think its best you lie down on the bed and not try getting up. There is something I need to tell you..."

"What? Did I hit my head too hard? Is there something wrong?"

"Well, not exactly. We have run all the basic tests and everything came out normal. But here's the thing Mr Teepakorn — You are not 22. You are 25 years old. It's not July 5th 2017. It's July 5th 2020. I think you can't seem to recall your memory for the last three years, and may be its--"

"Wait, wait. What do you mean it's 2020 and not 2017? Have I been in a coma for the past three years? OH GOD."

"No. No. You were brought into the hospital last night because of a car accident. You were in a taxi that had a small collision. You were definitely not in a coma for the past three years. You just had a small concussion and you can't remember a small part of your memory because of it. In most cases, it's temporary because of the shock of the accident but we will still run a few tests to ensure nothing is wrong."

"Wait.. wait. This doesn't make sense. Can you just please call my boyfriend inside? I need to talk to him."

"I—I am not sure who your boyfriend is, Mr Teepakorn. But there is only your personal assistant waiting outside the door. We called him because he was your emergency contact."

"WHAT? I have a personal assitant??? ME??"

"Umm. Yes." The doctor picked up a packed from the table on the side and handed over to me. "These are your personal belongings that we found on your Mr Teepakorn. May be they can help jog your memory? In the mean while, I'll order another round of MRI scans for you."

The doctor was going on and on about some medical stuff but I couldn't hear him at all. All of my attention was on the packet that he had just handed me. There was a Rolex watch inside which probably costed more than my parent's house and I wouldn't even believe it was mine if I didn't see my name engraved at the back of it. There was a Rolex watch in my hand with my name on it. This couldn't be true. May be I hit my head and I am in some kind of weird dream where all my dreams actually came true.

Okay Tine, let's think about it in a more rational sense. Is this really a dream? I have watched Inception, I can figure this out.

First, I pinched myself and it definitely hurt. That's when I looked at my phone, which was definitely not my old secondhand iPhone 5. It looked bigger, better, and shinier. There was a number lock on it, but I could still open the camera.

When I looked at myself in the camera, it felt like my best dream had just turned into my worst nightmare. I did not look like the same 22 year old in college — I looked older, more mature, like the weight of the world was on my shoulders.


"Can I please get today's newspaper?" I asked the nurse. The newspaper looked normal but it had news that I didn't understand. There was a new Prime Minister in the country, new judges on the Supreme Court, some climate change agreements, and a bridge accident verdict that I had never heard before. If this was still a dream, it wouldn't have so many details in it.

I opened my wallet next. It had a Louis Vuitton logo on it, which didn't seem fake, considering the Rolex watch. There was easily a couple of grand in cash inside the wallet — more money than I had ever spent in a whole year, a few credit cards, a really tacky diamond ring, and a business card with my name on it.

Tine Teepakorn

Junior Partner

Limpatiyakorn and Associates

"Who the hell are you, Tine Teepakorn?"


Just for clarification: The part with Sarawat is 2017; and the part with the doctor is 2020.

Tine has partial amnesia. He cant remember the last three years of his life. The last thing he remembers is being out with Sarawat in college — and then he wakes up in the hospital

A/N: This story has been on my mind for months, but I kept under wraps because I wanted to finish all my ongoing stories. But yesterday, I dreamt about this and I decided it was time to write it down. I AM VERY, VERY EXCITED for this one because its the first suspense/mystery genre for me. And obviously, that means too many cliffhangers.


The updates will be a bit irregular until I finished Bedshare Agreement. Honestly, I am starting it early because I am hoping writing this would make it easier for me to finish Bedshare Agreement. I am way too attached to that story.

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