Chapter 2: Where are you, Sarawat?

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"Who the hell are you, Tine Teepakorn?"

Tine's POV

I looked at the visiting card again and back at my phone. To recheck, I opened the calendar app on my phone which definitely said it was July 5th 2020. The entire calendar was stacked up with color-coded meetings and appointments that made no sense to me whatsoever.

10am-2pm: Miller merger meeting

7pm: Story cafe

9pm: Engagement party

What engagement part? Whose engagement party?

No, no. I need to find Sarawat first

I closed the calendar and proceeded to open my phonebook, my texts, my emails, my photo album — But Sarawat was nowhere to be find. He just.. he didn't exist. At least not in my phone. So, where did he go?

"Mr Teepakorn? Are you okay?"

"Ummm.. what time was I brought into the hospital? Was there any other phone with me apart from this?" I asked the doctor, trying my best to stay as calm as possible. May be this was just a work phone and I didn't keep any personal stuff on it. A lot of people do that, all the time.

"Around 7:30pm. Are you able to recall your memory now? We didn't find another phone, but did we find this file folder with your belongings. Although, it was empty." The doctor handed me a blue file that I had never seen in my life before. "If you still can't recall anything at all, I would suggest you stay in the hospital for longer so we can run more scans, and I'll have a psychiatrist work with you. But if you can slowly piece down your memory, then it was probably due to concussion and you should be back to normal soon enough."

"No. No. I am okay. I remember everything. I think it was just a small concussion. I would just want to go home."

Not like I know where home is now, but I can't stay here anymore. I need to find Sarawat.

"Should we call your assistant inside?"

"My assistant?"

"Yes, I believe his name is First. you recall him?"

"Yes, yes, of course. First! "

Let's see, maybe he knows where Sarawat is.

The doctor signalled the nurse and soon came in a young boy who probably looked my age. Well, he would have looked my age if I were still 22-year old, which apparently, I was not. He looked utterly flabbergasted and clueless as he came inside the room.

"Mr Teepakorn, are you okay? Oh my god, I am so sorry. It's my fault I got late preparing the Miller merger documents and you insisted on taking a taxi to your own engagement party. I should have picked you up from the office on time. I am so, so sorry." He said it all in one breath and I could see the panic setting in him. This is exactly how I was when I interned at a law firm.

But wait... did he say my engagement party? So that ring inside my wallet is really mine? I can't believe Sarawat proposed to me with that tacky ring and I actually agreed.

Come on focus Tine, the ring isn't important right now. I would marry Sarawat with paper rings if I had to. At least this one was gold with diamonds on it.

"Wait, so is Wat at the party too? Did you tell him I had an accident? He must be waiting for me.."

"Wat? Who's that?"

"Sarawat. Sarawat Guntithanon. Come on, First, you are my assistant, how can you not keep up with this stuff?" I was running out of patience and time.

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