chapter 7

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hawks pov: we reached u.a i held touya by his waist and flew to u.a I held him so close i could feel his breath on me he didn't trust me at first to carry him but still he came along .

Touya pov: the bird was obviously holding me in a intimate way but its not like i hate it but it's not like I like it either it's necessary to go to u.a

In u.a

Touya and hawks walked into the u.a we crossed the u.a across 1a "slam" "you get in" aizawa came out of his cocoon and pointed at touya and instantly went back in

Shoto pov : aizawa sensei called some one in  the one who came was my oldest brother touya to be honest i didn't remember him much but natsu nii was very close with him both natsuo and fuyumi said that he was a great brother i wanted to get him to be protective of me too natsu and yumi are not protective but after seeing him my thoughts are different he is cute maybe he can be my younger brother i stood up from my seat and gave him a tight hug " touya nii is very cute"

Touya pov : kill me i got called cute by my baby bro who is bigger than me even natsuo and fuyumi are taller than me  but even my youngest bro no fair i am the eldest "listen i am older and not cute so respect me k lil sho "...."still cute nii " ....."fuck off"

"Bakugou your a bad influence "the class girl's said "what the fuck i don't even know the brat "    "cut it out i am older than y'all "
" so the new ikemen boy "the pink girl came to me "you rocking those heels "  " oh thanks "well I was never complimented for wearing heels before "ha loser " the angry pomirian commented "I'll roast you huh oh keigo I forgot my quirk wasn't working should we go see why " well there was an awkward silence " no one told him " shoto exclaimed "tell me what " 

                 "Your quirk less touya nii"

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