Blade still in hand, gripped to the extent that her knuckles became bright white, the girl started walking along side Alby. They passed several wooden structures, all unique in their own way, Alby explaining each of their significances.

"We only have three rules", Alby spoke, making the girl look at his tired face, "First, do your part, we have no time for freeloaders. Second, never ever harm another Glader. Lastly, and most importantly, never go beyond those walls. Do you understand?"

"Am I stuck here?", she asked, ignoring Alby's question, her eyes not blinking as she looked at the boy. "Depends on your definition of stuck", Alby answered, meeting her eyes. "That's not a valid answer, a simple yes or no will suffice", she told him, thirsting for answers to the questions her brain shouted.

"See those walls there", Alby began. "Hard to miss", she told him as a light scoff came from her lips. Alby lightly chuckled and continued, "Behind those walls is a maze, filled with deadly traps and monsters, no one has ever gotten out of an encounter alive".

The girl remained silent, her heart beat increasing rapidly. Alby mentally flinched at his choice of words as he stared at the terrified expression on the girl's face.

So much for gentle, right?

"How many?", she asked. "How many what?", Alby asked back, confused at the lack of context her question held. "How many have tried?", she asked him. "More than you can think of, some without a choice", he told her, sighing at his memories, sorrow racing across his dark brown eyes.

"Banish?", the girl asked, bringing up the word from earlier. Alby simply nodded his head, not wanting to go into detail about the horrifying yet necessary act.

"How much information do you guys have, you know to get out of here?", she asked him. "Not enough", Alby told her, looking off to the walls.

"So what I'm gathering here is that you don't know anything, at least anything useful", she harshly spoke, angered at the absence of information. However, a pinch of guilt invaded her heart as she watched Alby's eyes meet the ground. "I didn't mean it like that", but she did, "I'm just overwhelmed." "I understand. We've all gone through it", Alby told her, walking off again.

The girl had thousands of questions remaining at the tip of her tongue, but remained quiet seeing as how Alby couldn't be the one to answer them. "Learn now, gather later", she thought.

Alby continued explaining on how life in the Glade functioned for the rest of the time, not giving the Maze another single statement. A frustrated boy soon came up to the pair, making Alby hand the girl off to Newt to deal with what the boy had to say.

"I'm assuming you're hungry?", Newt asked, his question soon answered by the grumbling noise the girl's stomach let out, "Let's get you somethin' to eat, alright?" Newt slowly walked off, not giving the girl time to answer.

"Who put us here?" "Why did they put us here?" "Am I going to die here?" "Why can't I remember?"

All questions that she desperately wanted to ask out, but knew that no one's answers would be detailed enough to satisfy either. Her focus snapped back to reality when her stomach grumbled once more at the scents that had suddenly invaded her nose.

Newt led her inside a wooden cabin that was full of chatter and laughs, making the place appear warm and kind. As she entered, the room met a sudden cold silence, and eyes were once again on her.

She was going to make a remark again, growing tired of the stares, however soon the chatter had begun to resurface and the place became bright once more.

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