Part 92

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Amelie was awake and josh was still asleep
Amelie just stares at him
Josh: I know you're staring at me
Amelie: creep
Josh: am I really or is it you
Amelie: whatever
Josh: I'm so happy Joshua got his own room
Amelie: why?
Josh: because you and me haven't been able to cuddle in forever
Amelie: I guess
Josh rolls on top of her
Josh: wdym I guess do you not like when we cuddle
Amelie: not really
Josh: what the-
Amelie: just kidding
Josh: that's what I thought
He puts his face in the middle of your chest as in almost boobs
Amelie: babe move your head
Josh: why? There's two comfortable pillows on each side of my face
Amelie hits the back of his head
Josh: ow babe
Amelie: fucking weirdo

Then liv walks in

Olivia: ima take care of Joshua today cuz I've missed. And because Jaden and Bryce are running it in my face that he says "byce" and "Jafen"
She laughs and the way Joshua pronounces things
Josh: teach him how to say Blake too
Olivia: ima teach him how to say auntie liv. If he wants to show him how to say his name then he can
Amelie: what's up with you guys. I thought you were fine
Olivia: we were but then we got into and argument and he left he said he was going on a car ride
Amelie: what time?
Olivia: around 3-4 am
Amelie: LIV! That was like 7 hours ago and he hasn't came back home
Josh: why do you care so much.
He sounds a little jealous
Amelie: well because he's our friend and my friends boyfriend
She almost says as a question
Josh: doesn't affect you tho
Amelie: well it affects your sister
Amelie: uh anyway i came in here to tell tou that I'm taking him and  I wanted to get his clothes so um I'll leave rn
Josh: sure go ahead.
Amelie: I don't know why you're so mad. Or jealous.
Josh: because you care too much about other people. Only people you should really really care about is me and Joshua
Amelie laughs
Amelie: are you serious? So I can't care about my brother Addison Jaden your sister or Blake
Josh stays quiet
Amelie: see ever you know it sounds stupid
Olivia leaves the room and I'm guessing is going into joshuas
Josh: I'm sorry baby
Amelie: you need to decide what mood you're gonna be in. You decide to start a fight then say 'sorry baby' like you're innocent
Josh: Ik and I will idk in just a jealous person
Amelie: i know
She mumbles
Josh: heard that
Amelie: you were supposed to
Josh sighs
Amelie's uncovers herself and gets up but josh grabs her hand
Josh: don't be mad
Amelie: josh shut up
Josh: whatever

Amelie gets up and showers

They heard a knock
Amelie: yeah
Olivia opens the door

Olivia: say bye mommy bye dada
Joshua waves
Amelie: bye baby
Olivia looks over at josh but josh is just on his phone
Olivia: alright we will be leaving we are going to target. Blake came back home and we talked through things
Amelie: oh ok that's good
She walks out
Amelie: why did you ignore Joshua. He was waving to us and you just stayed on your phone
Josh: Idk
Amelie: yea ok. Well ima go with Addison to the mall she needs outfits for a photo shoot and clothes because her clothes rn aren't fitting. And Bryce is being rude and doesn't want to go with her because theirs to many people
Josh: it isn't safe for you guys to go alone
Amelie: well who am I going to go with Bryce is being dumb you're being even worse.
Josh: I'll go with you guys
Amelie: idk but we are leaving rn so hurry up

I know I keep making them fight but I have nothing and I want to make ul for not updating so I'm just making things up as I right lol sorry if you're not liking the chapters lately

Brothers bestfriend! Josh RichardsWhere stories live. Discover now