Part 24

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1 year later
Also they still live at the sway house
his hand on my thigh until he asks a question
Josh: hey baby
Amelie: yea?
Josh: do you want kids?
Amelie: woah their bud I'm barely 19 you're barely 20
Josh: no no! Not right now
He laughs
Amelie: oh. Uh idk I feel like I wouldn't be a good parent
Josh: what! Are you crazy. If you're talking about your old parting life style you've came over that you haven't partied in months
Amelie: josh you do know once we have a kid you can't go to parties cuz yea maybe I don't go no more but you know you're gonna have another human to take care of. We most likely will have to move out. We aren't going to have time for just both of us all the time. You aren't gonna be able to hang out with the boys all the time and get high and drunk!You do understand that right!
She says getting a little angry
Josh: damn are you ok. Why are you so mad.
Amelie: because you're talking about having a kid
Josh: I said not right now.
Amelie: ok and that's basically asking me to have a kid
Josh: woah you're making it seem like I'm telling you let's have one right this second
Amelie: basically!
Josh; look you need to calm down before I get really mad and I don't want to get mad at you
Amelie: go! Get mad at me! I don't give 2 shits!
Josh: Amelie!
Amelie: what!
Josh: I don't know what's gotten into you!
Amelie: ME! You're the one asking for kids!
Josh: bro I said not Right now!
Amelie's thoughts
He's really mad
The end
Amelie: I'm not bro to you!
Josh: ok well I'm not a piece of shit to you so stop talking to me like that!
Amelie: just shut up!
He speeds up

Back home
Amelie: I'm going into my room and don't go in their until you stop being a dick
Josh: how am I being a dick when YOU got mad for no reason
Amelie: so you're gonna blame everything on me
Josh: omg did I say that!
Amelie: basically
Josh: look idk why you're this mad but you need to chill the fuck out
Amelie: don't tell me to chill out
Josh: LOOK YO-
Jaden: woah woah woah BOTH of you chill out. What's wrong with you guys
Amelie: idk maybe they fact that josh just asked me to have kids!
Josh: no I did not I asked if you WANTED kids!
Jaden: and what's the problem with that Amelie.
Amelie: that he doesn't understand that he isn't gonna be able to party we will probably have to move out and that he can barley wipe his own ass how Is he supposed to wipe a baby's ass

Random question what's your guys race
I was just asking because my parents always tell me.
"If you don't know how to wipe your own ass how are you supposed to have a boyfriend"
Anyways back to the story

Josh: I do understand that Amelie I really do but you just went all monster on me!
Amelie: how if-!
Jaden: just stop stop stop!
Bryce: what's wrong with you guys
Amelie: josh-
Jaden: sh I'll explain
He tells her
Bryce: look Amelie Ik why you're acting like this but stop yelling at josh he doesn't know why you're acting like this so instead of yelling and arguing tell him why you're like this
Josh: see Amelie it's not that hard
He says a little more calmly
josh: I'm not going up stairs until you stop yelling
Amelie: ok fine go upstairs

They get into Amelie's room
Josh: alright why are you acting like this
Amelie: ok so one time my dad and my mom were talking about mine and Bryces future and my dad asked us if we wanted kids Bryce said yes and ofc my mom and dad were like oh yea you would be a good dad blah blah blah. And I also said yes. Then they told me I wasn't good enough to be a mom that I would probably let a baby die this and that. And ever since that day I've never wanted kids
Josh: hey listen they were wrong. Ik you would be such a great mom trust me.
Amelie: thanks babe
Josh: and I'm sorry I should've stayed calm
Amelie: no i should be sorry I got mad out of no where
Josh: it's ok baby. Not gonna lie I was a little scared
Amelie: shut up
She said laughing

Brothers bestfriend! Josh RichardsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum