Part 64

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Olivia: you guys don't have a name yet!
Amelie: no we didn't think about it
Bryce: what about Bryce
Josh: wtf What about Joshua
Amelie: omg what about. Joshua Bryce Richards
Bryce: that!
Olivia: that one
Josh: wait you actually want to name the kid after me!
Amelie: why not
He smiles

Next day

Doctor: alright do you have a name now?
Amelie: uh yea Joshua Bryce Richards
Doctor: ok perfect you should be able to go in a few hours
Amelie: ok thank you
The doctor leaves the room
Josh: why did you want to name the kid Joshua?
Amelie: I mean well you're sick an important person to me
Josh: and what about Bryce?
Amelie: same thing and you both are such good friends why not mix it up
She smiles
Josh: the name actually sounds good

Skip a couple hours

Doctor: alright Amelie you are able to leave now
Amelie: thank you

They put Joshua in the car seat and josh is obviously driving and Amelie is in the back seat with the baby
Josh: hey babe
Amelie: yea
Josh: we never talked about the living situation
Amelie: right
Josh: what if you move back in
Amelie: what about liv
Josh: she moves in too
Amelie: I'll talk about it with her

They arrive to the sway house josh is taking Joshua inside the house

Bryce: oh you're home!
Amelie: yup
Olivia: you guys have a name now right?
Amelie: yup. Joshua Bryce Richards
Bryce: wait actually!
Amelie: yea
He looked like he was about to cry
Amelie: why are you gonna cry
Bryce: because I can't believe you would want to name your child after me
He hugs her
Josh: hey liv come here

They go into joshs room

Oh yea josh and Jaden have their own room now

Olivia: what's up
Amelie:what do you think about moving back in?
Olivia: I would love to!
Josh: great all you guys have to do is pack your clothes
Olivia: I could do it for Amelie
Amelie: could you actually
Olivia; yea I could do yours and Blake can do mine

Oh and Blake and Olivia are official now

Josh; thanks

She runs downstairs yelling for Blake

Josh: I can't believe you and me have been dating for a year again well a year and like 5 months
Amelie: Ik it's crazy
Josh: and we have our own little family

Then we hear a doorbell

Someone from downstairs opens it and we see that it's joshs mim when she opens the door
Joshs mom: congratulations you guys!
Josh: thanks

She picks up the baby
Joshs mom: what's his name
Josh: Joshua Bryce Richards
Joshs mom: that's adorable!

The rest of the day they spend it with everyone at sway house and joshs mom then at night time josh and Amelie took turns to take care of Joshua

Brothers bestfriend! Josh RichardsKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat