Part 68

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They arrive to mads apartment

Amelie: Jaden you go first

Jaden knocks on the door

Mads: oh hey ba- why are they here
Amelie: where's my kid!
Mads: I don't know
She smiles
Amelie jumps on her and starts punching her
Amelie: I swear if you don't tell me where Joshua is I will literally kill you!

Josh and Jaden pull you off

Josh: if you don't tell us where he is we will call the police
Mads: fine! Nessa told me to do this and I agreed he's at nessas
Josh: you guys are fucking crazy
They leave

Amelie: I can't believe you're dating a kidnapper Jaden we told you to stop dating her!
Jaden: I know and I should've listened
Josh: babe it's not his fault
Amelie: first of all don't call me babe right now. And you're right it's not it's yours
Josh: wait what
Amelie: why would you let her take him!
Josh: idk I thought she was being for real
Amelie: I just can't with you right now!
Josh: If you didn't want get your nails done none of this would have happened
Jaden: you shouldn't say that Amelie has let you go out so many times and she doesn't yell at you the next day
Amelie: see!
Josh: ok ok! Just calm down and drive to nessas
Amelie: we are here you dumbass

The get out and amelie knocks

Nessa: hell-
She opens the door with Joshua crying

Josh: give us him back


Brothers bestfriend! Josh RichardsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora