Chapter Ten

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Walking up to the bar, you order your drink, waiting patiently as the bartender makes it. Saying your thanks, you turn and head toward a free booth, securing it for when the team arrive. The case turned out to be rougher than you originally thought, leaving you to plan a night where they can relax and spend time with each other.

Leaning back, you take a mouthful of your drink as you silently observe the people around you, the drunks, lonesome alcoholics and the groups of friends or family. It's not long before you catch sight of the girls.

"Hey, where are the boys?" You ask as they approach.

"They're coming now," JJ responds, before taking Emily and Penelope's drink orders and walking over to the bar.

Nodding, you quickly down the last of your drink and stand. "Well I don't know about you two, but I need to dance."

"Not without me your not." Emily muses, leaving her purse with Penelope and following you to the dance floor. "I didn't know you had a tattoo."

"I didn't, a day ago." You grin, lifting your arm to show her the entire design. You were feeling spontaneous and decided to get a tattoo, placing it just below your shoulder blade, along your ribs. It's a nice hidden tattoo that is rarely seen, unlike tonight as you flaunt your cowl top, your back exposed.

"Looks beautiful." She compliments.

Just as she finishes her sentence, a song you both love starts playing. No words are needed, as you grab each other's hand and rush to the dance floor, submerging yourselves amongst the crowd.

You sway your hips to the beat, shouting the lyrics as you begin to lose yourself in the song. Emily puts her hands on your waist, your own on her shoulders. "There is a very hot man that can't take his eyes off you."

Glancing back, you find a blonde-haired man watching you from the bar, a smug expression on his face once he realises your looking. "He's not my type." You scrunch your nose, thinking just how much more attractive Rossi is. "Besides, I'm already sleeping with someone."

Emily raises her brows as she stares at you questioningly, whilst you slowly drag your hands down her front, dropping to the floor and rising. "Are you going to tell me who?"

"Nope." You pop the 'p', turning to walk off the dance floor. "I need a drink."

"Ahh come on Y/N!" Emily follows after you. "Just a name, or at least tell me how they are?"

You order your previous drink, trying to think of a way to dodge the questions. You hadn't meant to slip up and tell her, but maybe drinking before you arrived, was a bad idea. "Why does it matter? I'm just sleeping with the guy."

"It can't be just sex, Y/N. You're so much happier, more so than before your marriage. I want to meet the man that's making you happy." Emily smiles.

You both stand a little way away from the group, the boys having arrived during your dancing session. Taking a sip of your drink, you ponder the thought of just telling Emily who it is. But, does Rossi really make you happy? Is it that obvious?

"Okay, okay. I'll tell you, but you have to promise me it stays between us."

"I promise."

"It's David." You bite your lip, waiting for her reaction.

She laughs, leaving you to blink at her. "I knew it."

"You what?"

"I knew there was something going on between you two. You confirmed it when he came out of his office half undressed." She smirks at you. You inwardly groan, spinning on your heel to rejoin the team.

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