Chapter Twenty Eight

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Your fire your gun at the first man that runs toward you, walking over his body and continuing to kill anyone who stands in your way. You're leaving with Rossi, no matter how many people you have to kill to make that happen.

Ingram is right behind you, Sebastian flanking him as they take out Angelo's men from the sides. For a moment, it's only you three, navigating your way throughout the ground floor and searching for the staircase. From the outside, the mansion is huge, and you counted at least 4 stories.

You hear a commotion upstairs, prompting you to stalk your way down the hall, kicking down doors as you search for the stairs. Where the fuck are they?" Entering a room you can only guess as an office, a young girl hides behind the desk, her eyes fearful.

"How many women and children are there?" You ask her, your voice hard.

She opens her mouth to answer but only a squeak comes out. You tilt your heard, sending her a pity smile. "Go find them and get outside, no one will hurt you. You have my word." You stand to the side, allowing her the opportunity to scurry off. "Where are the stairs?"

She points to the second door on the right, before turning tail. You nod to Ingram, who stays hot on your heels down the hall and entering the open space. You assume it's a living room, with lounges and a large television in one corner and an open kitchen in the other.

You don't need to check your clips, you know exactly how many bullets are left. You raise your gun as you slowly ascend the stairs, keeping your body low. You pause for a moment, listening for movement before peaking your head onto the first floor.

Immediately bullets fly toward you, and you quickly duck for cover. As fast as they came, the bullets stop, giving you a small opening to launch upright and fire back. You hear a few grunts as you hit them, unsure whether you actually take them out of just injure.

One of your guns is out, leaving you to change to your MP5 and shove your other gun in your coat. The only sound you hear is your heart pounding, your adrenaline coursing and the anger fuelling your every decision. You're cold and calculated.

Sebastian sneaks up past Ingram, some of their men having entered through other entrances and now gathering at the bottom, prepared for anyone to burst through after them. With a look from Sebastian, you both spring up and release fire, sprinting up the last steps and protecting yourselves behind the wall.

You didn't hit anyone, but at least your up. Only two more left. Your breathing is scarily calm, your muscles remembering all the years of training and experience, making you ruthless and dangerous. You know that once you bring Rossi home, you may not have a job, hell, you could get locked up, but you don't care.

Because at least then Rossi will be safe, out of Angelo's grasp.

Swinging around the corner, you lock onto your targets and cover them in bullets, satisfaction swirling inside as you watch the bodies drop like flies. Ingram leads his men after you, each spreading out killing Angelo's men. There will be nothing left of his family, you intend to make sure of that.

Increasing the distance from the stairs, you turn to check one of the rooms, only to just see the figure barreling toward you. You slam into the wall behind you, the whiplash creating an immense headache near your neck and you falter. Blinking your vision clear, you slide down the wall just as they deliver a punch, hearing the fist demolish the wall where your head was.

You kick at their knee, sending them toppling. Quickly you stand, pressing your boot into their chest and aiming your MP at their head, pulling the trigger. Your chest heaves, the headache beginning to dull as the adrenaline numbs it, allowing you to be at the best of your performance.

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