Percy sputtered out some nonsense, but Annabeth was already gone. Then he sighed and started working on untangling the wires.

"What do you want me to do?" Jason asked, turning to Piper.

Piper grinned wickedly, "I need your help with a plan."

She led him to the kitchen and explained her nefarious scheme to him. Jason was on board immediately.

Basically, Piper was going to make the kitchen off-limits during the party for regular guests. Then, she and Jason were going to ask both Percy and Annabeth to grab the same item from the kitchen. Piper had planted some mistletoe in the doorway, so when they walked in or out...

BOOM! You're under the plant suckers! Time to finally stop being oblivious and get together!

At least, that's how they had planned it to go. But it couldn't have gone more differently...

The guests had started to arrive just as the four of them finished decorating the house and getting the party set up. Hazel, Nico, and Thalia arrived first, with Calypso and Reyna right after them.

"Where's Leo?" Hazel asked Calypso, "Doesn't he usually come with you?"

"He was going to," Calypso answered, "But he and his father are doing some questionable activity first, so he'll be a bit late."

"So will Frank, he just texted me," Percy said, waving his phone around.

The other people in their grade started filtering in, and Piper got separated from her friends a lot. Finally, she found Percy pushing his way through random students.

"Ugh, Piper why is your house so bad to navigate?" Percy said frustratedly, "I literally can't find anyone!"

"Maybe you're just bad at finding your way around things," Piper shrugged.

"Haha, very funny," Percy said, sarcasm oozing in his voice.

"Have you seen Jason?" Piper asked him, "I need to talk to him."

"Are you sure that's the only thing you want to do?" Percy wiggled his eyebrows but stopped when Piper glared at him, "Ok jeez, calm it. I just saw him at the snack table I think."


As Piper made her way to the snacks table, Percy shouted, "Don't do anything I wouldn't do!"

Piper rolled her eyes but smiled nonetheless. She found Jason staring at the lemonade pitcher at the snack table.

"Piper, I want lemonade," he said seriously.

"Well then... drink it?" Piper asked, staring at him weirdly, "Why are you just staring at it?"

"I think it might be spiked," Jason admitted, "I'm never gonna drink. Not after hearing about Percy's stepdad."

Piper nodded solemnly, "I understand. Come on, I'll give you fresh lemonade from the kitchen."

In the kitchen, Piper remembered about the mistletoe mission. She gave Jason his lemonade and told him it was time.

She was about to leave when Jason stopped her and pointed to the mistletoe, smiling.

"We have to do what it says, don't we?" he said, smirking.

Piper grinned, leaned in, and closed the gap.


Leo stood by the door, tapping his foot impatiently.

He was waiting for someone to arrive. The party was going on inside, and a part of him longed to find Calypso and ask her to dance, but the other part told him to stop and wait and apologize.

Scars - A PJO/HOO Soulmates AUWhere stories live. Discover now