Its lockdown

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Staceys pov
Kev was in his own flat and the lockdown had started. I laid on my bed knowing that it was gonna be a while before I could see him again. My phone started ringing and I smiled when I saw his caller ID pop up. I immediately answered and flopped onto the sofa. He seemed upset. "What's wrong?" "Nothing princess. Why?" "You seem a little down." "Just missing you is all." "I know. Me too." "Well. Just think. If we stick to the rules. It'll be back to normal soon." How wrong we were.
Two months later
Now I was getting depressed. Sure I FaceTimed him every day but. It's different. He rung me and as soon as I answered I started crying. "Baby. Don't cry. Please?" "It's been two months kevi. I thought it would be done by now. I don't like being on my own anymore. It's boring. I can't do anything. I can't even have a cuddle when I'm upset."
Kevins PoV
I hate her being upset but I know how she feels. I tried cheering her up but nothing was working. "Stace. The restrictions will ease soon enough I promise. It won't be like this forever. You've just gotta keep your head up and carry on. Hey. What's happening with that new doc that's meant to be coming out?" "Nothing much. It's out next week." I nodded and I could tell she was tired. "Put your phone on charge and I'll stay on FaceTime with you and when you wake up I'm here." "But. What if you leave." "I'm not gonna leave. I'm gonna stay here and talk to you until we both fall asleep. Like we would do if I was there." We spent ages just talking trying to cheer each other up. "Kev can i ask you something?" "Ask away my princess." "Do you actually love me. Or are you just with me because we won strictly together?" "Stacey Dooley I've never been more in love with anyone. You're my best friend my girlfriend and my princess and I couldn't ask for anything more. I know we haven't even been dating a year yet well. Close enough but. I really couldn't imagine this year without you. I couldn't imagine not gong to New York for Christmas. Not having someone to kiss on New Years. Not having someone to cuddle. I love you stace. I love you more than you can imagine. And I know this whole lockdown thing has changed our plans for our anniversary. But I'm gonna make it as special as I can. That's a promise." "Aww kevi." I smiled. "You've made me look soppy now. Come on next topic."

Kevin Clifton and Stacey Dooley one shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें