17. 𝓍𝑜

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"Make it a powerful memory. The happiest you can remember. Allow it to fill you up." Harry paced between rows of people as he always did, correcting what he felt needed his tune. 

Hermione looked at you, beaming. She had been almost annoyingly excited about discovering her Patronus. You and Ron thought it would probably be an owl or a Sphynx, something smart, though you weren't entirely sure.

"You got it, Hermione," you said to her as Ron took your hand. You couldn't help but swell with exhilaration, mind replaying how close he had gotten and the warmth his lips had felt against your cheek. Being in his presence was nearly euphoric, as always. Lately, though, it was nearly constant.

He pulled you away to a non-populous corner of the room. He preferred to practice with you in a more private environment. With this, you stood by a tall window flooding the area with blue light, and he took a few steps back, gently releasing your grasp in the process. All the while he kept his eyes on you. 

"Alright," you mumbled, taking your wand out and spinning it between your fingers. You knew Ron would be going before you, though it didn't hurt to have something in mind. "Happiest memory..." What was your happiest memory? You creased your brow in thought, trying to pinpoint something with enough body. It was honestly quite strenuous, and the revision was rather saddening. You'd thought for sure this would be easy enough. 

What to focus on? Your brother used to play with you in the yard- that wasn't strong enough, though. What else? You always liked talking to Peepney... she often got a beating for doing so. It nearly broke your heart to know she had to endure endure any abuse. You frowned at the thought.

Ron had likely brushed it off as nothing, and flashed you a goofy grin, which you genially returned before delving back into your thoughts. Why was he always looking at you like that?

You could remember the first time you'd really connected with him. The divination tower... He thought it was funny how the palmistry oil had buzzed. You let out a small exhale, smirking at the memory. Ron... He was your person. The entire break you'd thought of him as your escape, imagining what he'd say or do if he were with you, going over the hours you'd spent together in your head. Come to think of it, your happiest moments had been spent with him... It was funny how often he accidentally hurt you, and the way he became so incredibly disorganized between classes, or how he ate as if he'd been freed from a curse that turned his food to ash. 

A blush crept upon your cheeks.

 The way he'd called you beautiful only minutes before...

Your best memories were undoubtably with him.

"Alright, you ready Weezy?" you asked him, teasing the nickname Dobby had given him. Harry told you about it during a rant about 'Flabitha.'

He nodded, the edge of his mouth pushing up in a smirk. His lips parted a centimeter, making your heart skip one too many beats, and he took a deep breath. There was an unspoken agreement that he would be going first. It was likely due to your natural spellcasting abilities. He was certain you'd have no problems as always.

His feet shifted across from you, and for safe measures you took one more step back, rolling on the ball of your heel and folding your arms. He shook his head gently, repositioning his ginger hair, and then fixated himself in place. With one final wink, he twisted his wand. 

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