Chapter 1- New Beginnings

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You looked in the mirror, the room behind you large and empty, walls plastered with moldy green wallpaper and gilded baseboards. You sighed, the manor had never been a source of happiness for you. After combing your long black hair, which had always had a streak of white framing your delicate face, you turned and exited into a long hallway leading you to a tearoom, where you met Mother and Father. They sat menacingly, whispering to each other in hushed voices. 

Your mother turned to you upon entry.

"Tabitha, are you ready?" she asked, standing up. 

You nodded, not wanting to start fresh at Hogwarts. Your mother must have seen the expression on your face, as she pursed her lips and furrowed her brow.

"Draco will be there. You will not be alone." She look took your hand as she said this, leading you to the main hall and out the front doors. "I expect you'll be excited to see him, wont you?" She said confidently, as if it was not a question at all. You had arrived in the courtyard. 

"Yes, mother," you said, not sure if it was true. You and Draco had known each other since you were small. Your fathers were in league with Voldemort together, and you and Draco were often left with the women of the family as children. You had not seen him in 2 years, since your father was outed as a Death Eater to the ministry. When this had happened, your family was forced to flee to Albania, where up until a few weeks ago you had been hiding with your parents. Now, you had moved back to the family estate in London, and your private training had ceased. You would have to attend Hogwarts to complete your schooling.

Your mother grabbed your arm, placing it on hers as she apparated. You hated the feeling.

Suddenly, the environment had changed. You stood at an unfamiliar train platform, your luggage in hand. People buzzed and chattered around you. Many carried large crates, some with owls and others with cats. You could've sworn you saw a boy with a toad, too. A young girl hugged her parents goodbye. You couldn't explain why, but the sight of it pained you. was that a normal thing to do? 

You continued to analyze the busy area around you, before your vision was interrupted. "Cissy!" your mother shouted, leaving your side. You looked to her as she ran to embrace a woman you knew as Mrs. Malfoy, her heels clapping against the concrete. Your eyes trailed off of her and onto the boy at her side.


He was tall. Very tall. Much taller than you remembered. He was dressed in an all black suit, which fit his figure nicely, making him look refined, even sophisticated. Your eyes had left his body and you now looked up into his face from a distance. You scanned his features, and admired his white-blonde hair. He was very handsome, you thought. When you made it to his eyes, you realized he had been looking at you.

Oh no. You wondered how long he had been doing this.

As if on cue, he began walking towards you. He took long strides, and had arrived in what seemed like a second. "Tabitha," he said with a small nod. You caught the scent of expensive cologne and new leather. Part of you wanted to lean into his chest to take a big sniff, but that would probably not be the best greeting, you thought. 

"Hi Draco," you said gently, feeling small but immediately more comfortable in his presence. You didn't like to be alone, especially in such a crowded environment. Gosh, you wished you weren't so anxious all the time. You couldn't even have a normal interaction with Draco without overthinking. Does he hate me?

"Let's get on. The train is leaving in a few minutes." he said curtly.

You nodded, following him as you waved goodbye to your mother and Mrs. Malfoy. As you entered the train, you became worrisome. Where would you go? The eyes of your new classmates seemed hateful already. They looked between you and Draco with distrust. Had you done something wrong? You looked up to him, wondering if he too had noticed. 

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