Politics and Congress

Start from the beginning

Y/N: "Yes, you may."

This person was something that Y/N also knew from his speeches. Sergeant Granite, Sergeant in the Army, in charge of the Enclave Control Company, and head of the Reformist faction.

 Sergeant Granite, Sergeant in the Army, in charge of the Enclave Control Company, and head of the Reformist faction

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Granite: "Mr. President. This 'change' is almost certainly going to backfire against us. Given the details by the village, going against all of them would be against us, given that the intel could mean that we are on a planet with millions of people. With weapons that we do not know about. We do not have the numbers to fight against them, and if we provoke them, we would be outnumbered easily."

After that, the 2 representatives that Granite had with him nodded in approval. Franklin and his representatives looked in complete and utter hate against the Reformists.

The thing that Y/N does not want to deal with when it comes to Congress, is that the Purists and the Reformists will always say something that the other party will disagree on. It will sometimes go down to yelling and sometimes fights between personnel on the Enclave. It was an issue that Y/N had to deal with.

Y/N: "Alright, before we discuss about the decision to change the policy. There is another one we have to talk about would be involve it."

Both parties look at Y/N, eagerly waiting for what he has to say.

Y/N: "The military, since the discovery and intel extraction, has been drafting a bill which involves possible recruitment into the Enclave's services. Before they could decide on anything, they have appealed to Congress to apply a specific detail in the bill."

Franklin: "Which is?"

Y/N: "The Military needs to know about The Recruitment Bill from Congress, of which people are allowed to enter into the Enclave. If anyone at all is allowed to be recruited if some strict training is needed, and also which races are allowed in from this planet. With the current intel right now, it would seem there are 2 races. Faunus and Humans. The Faunus are the humans with animal traits, while the Humans are just standard humans, like us."

Before anyone could speak, Franklin interrupts Granite who tried to talk first.

Franklin: "The best solution to this would be an out right restriction against all races from the outside. If we allow them in, it could expose our command structure, knowledge, and technology to them. They would want our technology, something we will never approve of. They can also not handle the power of our weapons for them to be in the army. So, it is best to stay as we are right now, with no outsiders in."

When Franklin had finished talking, Granite, who looked annoy at his statement and for interrupting him, speaks up.

Granite: "With all due respect, Franklin. To keep our numbers at just about a thousand against possibly more than hundreds of thousands are a recipe for disaster on our end. Even if you do not agree, and I believe I speak for my fellow Reformists, we need to allow at least the humans into the Enclave to increase our numbers and as a result, our chances of victory at any given war. Indoctrination can be used in order to train them and believe in the Enclave and its works. However, we slightly disagree with indoctrination, since some might turn it down, slightly decreasing recruitment numbers and efficiency. To compromise, we can keep the Faunus out of the Enclave and restrict them from entering any lands controlled by us and the Oil Rig here."

While everyone either agreed or disagreed to what he said, they all admitted one thing. To completely restrict all of them out of the Enclave could be a major disadvantage on this planet, given they could have more numbers than them. While the Purists was only a little convinced to allow them in, they still agreed with Granites concerns.

Franklin: "Alright. There are other things we need to talk about, so lets make this quick. Since both of us do not agree, the president is the final decider. So, Mr. President. What is your decision?"


Alright, I got this done!

Now, I was not able to think of a Congress that fits the Enclave. So I tried to mix lore and speculation to create a Congress that makes sense for the Enclave. I do hope you can accept this concept I have created for the Enclave in this story. If you think that the system is flawed, you have to remember that only about 1000 people are on the Oil Rig with most have day to day jobs meaning many would not have the time to attempt a meeting at the exact same time. Something has to get down in the Enclave, or else the United States will be be made in the way it is supposed to be.


The Enclave of Remnant (Enclave President Reader x RWBY) [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now