The new planet

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Author POV

The people of the Oil Rig are slowly coming to the understand that they teleported away from earth to another planet. Some believed they needed to do it, others believed that if they kept fighting, they would have withheld the attack. But whatever they thought of it, they knew there is no turning back and they now need to stay on the new planet for some time.

The President slowly walks back to his office with both of his hands behind his back, leaving behind the General and the Secretary of Defense. Soldiers in Power Armor pass by him and rush to their positions and assisting the scientists and engineers if there was any damage.

When Y/N reaches his office, he sits at his desk, gets on his terminal, and writes to the Scientific Department of the Enclave Central Station (In the Enclave Records, the Oil Rigs official name is: "Control Station ENCLAVE").

He writes to them:

"To the Scientific Department of the Enclave Central Station

Due to the activation of teleportation device on Central Station ENCLAVE, I require a full report on any damages that might have occurred on the rig.

Any amount destruction found must be reported back to me and the Engineer Corps for repairs.

Highest Priorities: Central Station ENCLAVE Reactor

Fusion Core Factory Station

Central Station ENCLAVE building structure

Power Armor Storage facility

Vertibirds and the Vertibird pads

The inspection must be performed as soon as possible and once finished, must be reported back to me.

-President of the Enclave"

Y/N sends it to the Department and begins to wait, he prepares a speech to the personnel on the Oil Rig to be broadcasted on the speaker system that has been placed around the Rig.

Once he has it prepared, he gets his microphone on his desk, checks if it works by tapping it a few times and begins to speak.

Across the Oil Rig, people are putting down their weapons, checking for any damage and treating the wounded with worried faces since the teleportation and were a little confused about the whole situation.

Then they heard the speakers turn on with American patriotic music, meaning it is the president speaking. The soldiers stand up straight to pay attention and then they heard Y/N speaking.

Y/N (Speaker): "This is the president speaking to the people of the Enclave. I have urgent news for everyone on Central Station ENCLAVE. Not long ago, the Brotherhood of Steal and the New Californian Republic attack the Oil Rig to destroy us and the Enclave. I knew we could not resist both of their forces, so while our soldiers defended our Oil Rig, the researchers prepared the new experimental teleportation device connected to the structure of the rig.

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