Tanjiro quickly pulled the blonde haired male off of the girl. "What are you doing in the middle of the road! Can't you see that the lady doesn't want anything to do with you! And your sparrow is distressed too!" Tanjiro yelled.

"Ah, your uniform! Your from Final Selection!" The blonde male said.

"I definitely don't know a guy like you!"

"I remember him." Mono stated. The two boys looked at the petite girl. The blonde haired male stared at the girl, his eyes traveled down her body. His face lit up and his nose started bleeding. Mono placed the sparrow on her shoulder, she took her back back off her shoulder and dug around through it. When Mono had her back turned Tanjiro smacked the male upside the head.

"Don't stare at her like that, it's very rude!"

Mono walked back with a couple of tissues for the blonde haired male. She covered the blonde's nose.

"You can head home ma'am." Mono said looking up at the girl. "Thank you very much." The girl bowed.

The blonde haired male stopped the woman from leaving by yelling, "She still needs to marry me!"

"Shame on you!" The girl yelled, slapping the male repeatedly. Tanjiro grabbed the girl telling her to calm down.

"When did I ever say I liked you! I only talked to you because I thought you were sick when I saw you squatting on the side of the road!" The girl yelled, struggling in Tanjiro's grasp.

"But I thought you were worried about me because you liked me?!" The male whined, tears dripping from his eyes.

"That's completely impossible, I have a fiance already! I see that you're really energetic already, so you should be fine. Let's never see each other again!" The girl stomped, leaving the three behind.

"We should probably get moving." Mono said to the two boys. Tanjiro turned to her and smiled, "let's get moving then." Mono picked up the blonde haired make and swung him over her shoulder.

"Hey, wait! I wasn't done! I want to marry her so I don't die alone!!" Mono and Tanjiro stared at the male. They then looked at each other having a silent conversation.

"There's something seriously wrong with this kid. Should we ditch him?"

"I know he's weird, but we can't do that to him."

"What should we do then?"

"We should probably take him with us so he doesn't bother anyone else."

Mono nodded.

"Why are you guys so quiet?" The boy said, staring at the two.

"What's your name?" Mono said, looking at the male.

"Agatsuma Zenitsu." He said. 

"I'm Kamado Tanjiro."

"You can just call me Mono." The girl said, setting Zenitsu down. Tanjiro's crow started yelling at the three if them. Telling them to run to there next location. The three ran down the dirt path and into the forest.

They came across a house.

"I'm smelling blood, and I can hear some... drumming? At least I think it's the sound of a drum." Mono said.

"I'm smelling blood too, but I don't hear a drum." Tanjiro said looking at the girl.

"I can hear the drum." Zenitsu started shaking with fear. Mono was looking around until she spotted two kids. The girl walked over to the two. Tanjiro noticed her leaving the group. "Mono, where are you going?"

"Thete's two kids over here." She stated. Zenitsu and Tanjiro went after the petite girl. "What's wrong?" Mono asked, "Why are you here?" She added. The two backed away from her. "Hey, you don't need to be scared. We're here to help you." Mono said in a gentle tone.

"My names Mono, and this is Zenitsu-san and Tanjiro-san." She said point to the group.

"Is this your home?" Asui asked, the boy answered, "No. No it's not. It belongs to monsters."

"Monsters?" Tanjiro questioned.

"Yes, they took our brother in there, he's hurt." The boy said.

"Hey I hear something." Zenitsu said pointing to the house. A male flew out of a window and landed on the cold, hard ground. Mono grabbed the two kids, shielding there eyes from the gruesome sight. Tanjiro walked over to the male, the two of them talked until the male passed on.

"What does your brother look like?" Mono asked. The boy  described his brother, saying that he was wearing yellowish, brown clothing.

"Tanjiro, we should start moving." Mono said to the burgundy haired male. Tanjiro nodded telling Zenitsu to get moving. Zenitsu refused to go inside. Tanjiro turned his back, giving off a horrifying aura.

Mono picked herself up off the ground and walked over to the trembling male. She lifted the male up and swung im over her shoulder. Zenitsu struggled in her grasp. "AHHHH!!!! LET ME DOWN! I DON'T WANNA GO!!!" Mono ignored the male.

Tanjiro walked back over to the two kids, placing the box that Nezuko was in down. "I'm placing this box in here in case there's danger. No matter what happens, it will protect the both of you."

The three of them made there way inside the house.

************************ Taisho Secret *************************

Mono: "Time for a Taisho Secret."

Mono: " My uniform was suppose to be skin tight, not skin revealing. The uniform was suppose to have holes at the joints for easy movement, it would also help me run faster instead of being heavy like the original demon slayer uniforms. But that girl with glasses told me otherwise."

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