"Nothing to worry about children, now back to your dorm rooms.  Strong heroes need plenty of sleep."

"All Might is Todoroki okay?" Kirishima asked and everyone else looked at the number one hero, eager for an answer.

"Yes, it's just a small misunderstanding. Young Todoroki's scar appeared this morning and alarmed Ms. Tanaka, who wasn't aware of it beforehand." The crowd of students let out a small sigh of relief and sluggishly walked back to their rooms.

Meanwhile, the remaining teachers left in the dorm room used their best efforts to try to calm down Aylee.

Aizawa spoke first, "Tanaka, it's not your fault."

She looked at him with tears flowing down her face and shook her head in denial. Mic tried to placate the shaking woman next, "Yeah, Todoroki has always had this scar since he started UA." The new information slowly started to sink into the crying woman and she looked back at Shoto. His expression showed sadness from seeing her tears but he tried to comfort her. He scooted up next to her side and nuzzled his head into her shoulder without breaking eye contact.

She reached up and traced the edge of the bright red mark with the tips of her fingers. "Aylee, I always suspected that his scar would appear at the age he became injured. I didn't expect it to happen when he was this young though. I apologize for not informing you earlier and indirectly causing you to be distressed."  Aizawa truly looked regretful of his lack of foresight in this situation and how he could have prevented it from happening at all.

Aylee broke her teary gaze from Shoto's and gave the worried teachers her full attention. "I am sorry for alarming everyone this early. Can someone please watch Shoto for a bit so I can have some time alone to process this?" After a glance at Aizawa's bloodshot eyes and Present Mic's troubled expression, Midnight volunteered herself.

"I'll watch over him Aylee. Take as long as you need."

Aylee solemnly nodded in thanks before she faced the newly turned 5-year-old. "Peppermint, Midnight is going to watch you for a little bit while I grab some coffee and breakfast. Ok?"

Shoto looked down at his lap but reluctantly nodded. She kissed the top of his head and walked him over to where Midnight was patiently waiting. "I'll only be gone no more than 2 hours sweetie. It's just like what we have been practicing, right?"

The boy didn't say anything and Aylee could tell they were going to have to talk later. "Thank you again," she looked to Midnight.

And after 2 hours, she came back with a clearer head and ready to resume her responsibilities. Aylee walked into the dorms and knocked on Midnight's door. The hero opened up with a small smile that graced her lips.

"How is he?"

Midnight sighed and nervously tapped the doorframe with her fingers. "He hasn't said a word."

Aylee sighed but expected something like this from the boy.

"Okay, well thanks for watching him."

"No problem everyone needs some time to themselves once in a while. Let me know if you need me to watch him another time."

"Thanks, I'll remember that."

"Shoto, Aylee is here for you." Midnight announced loud enough for the quiet boy to hear her.

Soft footsteps made their way to the door and walked past Midnight to stand by Aylee. He didn't look at her at all.

They left and started to walk back to Aylee's room together in silence. Once she shut the door Shoto just stood in front of her with his head tilted towards the ground, as if waiting to receive a punishment. The woman knelt on the ground in front of him and tried to catch his eyes. He avoided them at all cost.

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