the brothers

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Jasmins pov:
I went imto the bathtoom ⚠️⚠️⚠️tw: i broke a razor and cut myself 3 on each arm then clead up⚠️⚠️⚠️ end of tw i went down stairs
End of pov

No:you ok
Jas:ya m fine
Payton jaden and josh looked at you worried

Kios pov :
kept looking at jasmins neclaes it had a puzzle pice i bet she stole it from whever it belonged to
I wanted to talk to anthony
End of  pov

Kio:ant come here
He walked over
Kio:lets go to my room
They ealked their
Kio:so you know sbout our necleses right
Ant:right the puzzle pices
Kio:so i noticed jasmin has a pice too i bet she stole it
Ant:she probly stole it
Koi:lets go tell her
They walked down staires

Jasmins pov:
Kio snd ant came down staires they waked to me and took my puzzzle pice neclese
Jas:wtf t-ta-that mine
End of pov

Kio:no its not
Ant:yoy stole it
Jas:no i didnt my mom gave it to me
By this poibt all the boys were watching
Kio:stop lying
Jas:ok i have a huge cinfession to make i have 3 lost brothers
Pay:wait really
Jas:and kio im not lying it mine g-gv-give it back
Jasmin started crying
Ant:what was your moms name
Jas:jenny (fake name)
Kio:whats your last name
Jas:j-ji-jonson duuu. (Idk how you spell it)
Kio:your origginal last name
Jas:idk i r-rm-remember that my mom wrote my full n-nm-name on the back
They flipped it over
Kio:jasmine jenny cyr reeves
Ant:wait really
Kio:ya and it carved in so shes not lying
Ant: kio let me see your pice
Ant took out his got kios and jasmins and put them together
Ant:t-they fit
Jas:wait that means y-yr-your my b- bi-brothers
Jad:how do wr know for sure tho
Bla:they could take a dns test
Jas kio ant: lets do it
Jas:lets go children in the car
Tb:were not kids
Jas:but you avt like 3 year old so
Josh:she got you there buddy
They got in 2 cars
Car 1-jas Q payt jay josh 
Car 2-griff bry bla ant kio No
Josh is driving car 1 gtiff is driving car 2
Jasmin saw payton looking sad
Jas:you ok bubs
Payt:im fine
Jas:no your not
Payt:you know your right youve kept so many secretes from me
Payt:dont call me that
Jas:you really wana play like that
Payt:yes yes ido
By this point the boys were listining
Jas:when my mom died my dad w-wu-would abuse us they would protect me they took the blame ffor me
Jasmnn starts cryimg
Jas:i-i never did anything f-fr-for them i felt horible i didnt tell a-ay-anybody about them (sniff)because it fucking made me cry i w-wl-would gibe them my life for e-er-every(sniff)thing they did for me (sniff) so if you really wanna play like that(sniff)i can to
Payt:ok lets do this
Jasmin satrted to sob
Q:wait you were abused
Jas:i-ill tell (sob)you later
Jad:im pulling over
Jad:if their gonna fight i wanna comfert her
He pulled over to a parking lot
Jad:ok payton you take shot gun ill sit in the middle in the back quinton wimdow seat back jas you stay their josh drive
What nobody knew was that some one took a picture of them moving
Jaden got in and picked up jadmin and stroked her hair
Jas:uts fine youl both get over it
Jas: (sobs) i-i thought we were freinds (sobs)
Jad:you are your just in sn argumen
A fan pulled up next to you at a stop light and took a picture of jaden and jasmin
Jad:shhh domt cry
Jasmin fell asleep

Flash back while sleeping
Jas:please dont hit me daddy
Bd=bilogicol dad
Bd:to bad you didnt make breakfast
Jas:but i dont knoe he
She started crying
Bd:your supposed to kniw
He puched her in the face
Jas:s-sr-sorry daddy (sniff)
Bd:you cant even talk you little shit
She started sobbing
Kio:it was my fauld i told her not too
Ant: i tolg her to help me wash the dishes
He walked over to them
Hebeat the shit out of them and jasmin
He pushed them down
Jas:thnk you kio and ant
Kio ant: no problem
They all comfed eachother
End of flash back

Jadens pov:
Jasmin was crying and shacking and saying pleas dont hit me multyple times i was trying to wake her she finally woke up she was hypervalating and crying
Jad:hey match my breathing in..........out........ in......out....... in.......out
She started calming down
Jad:your welcome
End of pov

Jasmins pov:
I had a flashback i felt someone shackimg me it was jaden i was hypervalating he statted helping me calm down
Jad:hey match my breathing
Jad:your welcome
End of pov

Psytons pov:
I saw jasmin i could tell she was having a flash back i felt bad she had a rough past i wanted to apoligise just not yet i needed time to think
End of pov

Josh:were here
They all got out of thr car
Bry":what hapoened we got here 19 minutes ago
Jad:ya stuff
Jaden was cariying jasmin with her legs wrapped aroun his waist
Again a fan was their and took a picture of them
Griff:is she ok
Jas:stuff happened in the car
Bry:wete you cryong mabye
They walked in side the place(lets say it was a small buildind ive seen thouse before)
They walked to the reception desk
Griff:hi we would like to have 3 people take a dna test please
L=reception lady
L:sure just 3
Griff:kio anthony & jasmine
L:ok pleas take a seat
They walked their
No:what happened in the car
Jas:well tell you later
Kio:what happened to jasmine
Jas:well also tell you later
L:kio anthony & jasmin
Griff:ant kio take care of jas ok
Kio ant: ok
They walked to the lady
L:follow that man
Jas:wait m-mn-man
L:yes is their a problem
Jas:can we have a lady do it instead

Griffins pov:
They were about to go when the lady said something and and jasmine said something bak then thy came and sat back down
End of pov

Griff:y did you come back
Kio ant: idk ask jasmin
Jas:i wanted a woman to do it
L:kio anthony jasmin
Griff:ok go on
They walked over
L:walk to that lady ok
Jas kio ant:ok
Dr:hi im doctor lidia
Jas ant kio:hi
Dr:follow me
They followed
She handed them smsll tubes
Dr:now spit in these
They did and handed them to her
Dr:ok you reasults will come in the mail tommorow ok
Ant:ok thank you
Dr:yoyr welome you may go
Thry walked to the boys and let
They got in the cars and drove home

Hey guys this was inspird by one of my first followers fatimaa2121 thanks for the idea love you all bye -Abby💖💖💖

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