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(Picture courtesy of IDOLiSH7 Fandom Wiki.)

I arrive at the school, check in, and go to my designated classroom. Crazily enough, I come in three minutes before everyone else. The teacher thanks me for the books and tells me to sit and wait. Once all the students come in, she introduces me to everyone. "Class, this is L/N-san. She's volunteering. If I'm absent just come to her, and she'll help you."

I step up to finish the introduction. "Hi, like your teacher said, I'm L/N F/N. You may call me L/N-san. I'm eighteen years old. I can't wait to work with you all." Everyone stands up and bows in greeting. I watch as they do, scanning and looking at each student individually quickly. As the class sits back down, I notice one boy with shoulder length light blue hair. He slumps into his chair and looks glum. I should talk to him during break.

Time passes, and soon it's lunch. I walk into the cafeteria and watch the students file in. The sad boy from the class joins the fray. I notice as he grabs a small cup of something off of a stand before stepping in line for his food. After he gets his meal, he sits at a table all alone. I grab my meal and walk over to him. "Is it okay if I sit here?" I ask, smiling. The boy looks up at me and shrugs. I nod and sit down.

I watch as he opens the small cup he pulled off of the shelf. The cover says 'Osama Pudding' or 'King Pudding'. He pours some kind of dark liquid on the jello like treat and takes a bite. When he does, his eyes light up. I grin. "'Osama Pudding?' What does it taste like? I've never tried it before."

"You haven't tried 'Osama Pudding?'" he asks, shocked. I shake my head. "It's the best thing in the whole world!" He stands up and grabs another cup from the shelf. He comes back and hands it to me. "Try it! You won't regret it!"

I pull the cover off and there's a small packet on top of the jello like substance. I set it aside and take a spoonful. After tasting it, I start to say, "It's-"

"Try it with the flavoring! It adds sweetness!" Ah, you're supposed to add flavoring. I pick up the packet, open it, and pour it onto the pudding. It looks brown and slips onto the floppy pudding. I take a bite with the now added sauce. "It's delicious!" I comment. I could have this again.

"I know! It's my favorite! I always have it with lunch," the boy says. He continues munching bites out of it.

I continue to chat with him. "The food here is good, huh?" I motion to the food in his bento.

He stares at it quietly, then responds, "Yeah, usually I have to buy my food somewhere at a market..."

What does he mean by that? Maybe he doesn't have a mom to make him lunches... Maybe he has a dad instead? I probably shouldn't ask. He seems sensitive on the topic of family. Instead, I change the subject. "May I ask your name?"

"Tamaki," he answers, while consuming his Osama Pudding.

"What else do you like?"

The two of us continue chatting until the end of the break. Tamaki slowly but surely warms up to me over time. We talk about our hobbies during that time. It turns out he likes video games along with Osama Pudding.

The bell rings to start the next period. Everyone starts to get up. As the two of us do, Tamaki starts to say, "Um... I had fun... Can we...? Hang out tonight?"

"Oh..." I think about the concert that I'm going to with my friend. "I hope so." I smile. I don't want to ruin his spirits.

"Yay." He mildly smiles.

How I Became a Part of IDOLiSH7حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن