Bruce's Weekend

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By the time Bruce and Dick got home Billy had already finished his homework and been de-liced by Alfred who had warned Clark to fumigate Billy’s room.  Billy had also gotten an impromptu haircut so he looked like even less of a waif than he had before.  Mr. Tawky Tawny had also been fumigated as well and was safely resting in Billy’s arms once again.

“Hey, Billy,” Bruce smiled as they entered the kitchen.  “How was school?”

“It sucked ass,” Billy grumbled then flushed when he realized everyone was staring at him.  “Sorry.”

“Awesome,” Dick grinned.  “Alfred can’t scold me now.”

“I can and I will,” Alfred informed him with a raised eyebrow.  “Go and wash your hands, supper will be ready in just a minute.”

“I’m Dick,” he held out a hand which Billy hesitantly took.  “It’ll be cool to have someone my own hang to hang out with for once.”

“I’m not up to date on a lot of stuff,” Billy admitted sheepishly.

“That’s cool; I can get you caught up.  You’ve got the room next to mine anyways so we can stay up late.”

“Ahem,” Alfred cleared his throat.  “Master Billy is a bit young to stay up all night.”

“Hey” Billy protested.  “I stay up late all the time.”

Sensing that Billy was getting upset Bruce spoke up, “I know you’re not used to people taking care of you but it’s not fair to make Dick follow his curfew if you don’t.”

Billy frowned then reluctantly nodded.  “Okay.”

Dinner was a pleasant affair even though Billy received a crash course on proper table manners and silverware.  Dick was amused by Billy’s confusion and even Bruce cracked a smile or two.  Alfred was pleased to see that Billy ate every bite even if his manners were still atrocious.  Oh well, Alfred had plenty of time to work on that.  Thankfully Billy didn’t look as skinny as Master Bruce had described but the regular meals he had been getting lately probably had something to do with it.

Once dinner was over the boys ran upstairs where Dick eagerly showed off his impressive comic book and video game collection.  It took up most of his room and he had every game system imaginable.

“Cool,” Billy breathed as he looked around.  “I don’t think I’ve ever seen this much stuff in one room before.”

“You know yours could look like this too,” Dick flopped onto the bed, signaling for Billy to do the same.  “All you have to do is ask and I know Clark and Bruce would be happy to get you whatever you want.”

Billy looked doubtful but sat next to Dick, hesitantly accepting the controller.  “I asked for toys once at one of my foster homes.  I got two broken fingers so I never asked again.”

Dick frowned.  “Bruce and Clark will never hurt you or let anyone do that to you again.  Mario Kart?”

“Never heard of it,” Billy shook his head and tilted it to the side to watch the screen.

Dick shook his head in dismay.  “Don’t worry, kid, I’ll teach you everything there is to know about it.  Seriously though, you’re safe here and you’ll never want for anything.”

“I know,” Billy’s voice was small as he stared at his feet.  “I’m just so used to taking care of myself that it’s hard to accept help.”

Dick nodded.  His parents parenting skills had been vastly different so it had taken some getting used to at first but for someone like Billy who had been taking care of himself for a couple of years it had to be hard.  Billy probably hadn’t worried about things like curfews and proper table manners in years.  No doubt he had been more worried about where his next meal was going to come from or where he was going to sleep at night.  “Well you don’t have to worry about that stuff anymore; you can just be a kid if you want.”  Seeing that Billy still didn’t look convinced Dick decided that a change of topic was in order.  “So what character do you want to be?  I’m a Mario person myself.”

It was ten thirty when Alfred poked his head into Dick's room.  He was about to tell both boys to turn in when he realized that both of them were sound asleep, controllers still in their hands.  Billy was clutching Mr. Tawky Tawny and had his head on Dick's lap who had his head at an awkward angle so it rested on his pillow.

Alfred smiled gently and carefully picked up Billy.  He carried the child to the room next door.  The room was bare but Alfred doubted it would remain that way after they went shopping the next day.  It was easy to tuck him in – Dick had insisted on a Batman blanket until Billy could pick one out himself.  Alfred hesitated then turned on the nightlight before exiting the room.

After shutting the door Alfred went back to Dick's room.  He was careful to save the game before turning the system off and putting the controllers up.  It was easy to get Dick tucked in then he went downstairs to the library where Bruce was doing paperwork.

“How are the boys?” Bruce asked as Alfred came in, shutting the door behind him.

“They’re both asleep,” Alfred reported.  “I suspect Master Billy was simply protesting his independence earlier.”

“I figured,” Bruce nodded.  “He’s used to being independent but he wants someone to take care of him.  It’s an adjustment to be sure but I think he’ll be fine.”

“I have no doubt, sir, now finish your work and go to bed.  We have a very busy day ahead of us.”

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