Chapter 1

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There were very few things that Bruce Wayne hated in life more than board meetings. He absolutely despised them so, understandably, he hadn't been thrilled when he realized that the Justice League would have to have them as well. Thankfully, the League's meetings were a little bit more...lively.

"How many times do I have to tell you? Stop pinching my ass!" Black Canary was glaring at Green Arrow who didn't look very sorry.

"I thought you liked that," Green Arrow grinned at her.

"Not here and certainly not during a meeting!" the expression on her face promised retribution in the very near future.

"Ha. You owe me five bucks," Green Lantern smirked as Flash reluctantly pulled out his wallet.

Upon seeing the contents the speedster's face fell. "How about an IOU?" he suggested weakly.

"Again?" Green Lantern whined. "I've got like two hundred bucks worth already. Seriously, man, I've seen your paycheck stubs. What do you do with all of it?"

"It's not my fault I have a super fast metabolism," Flash pouted.

"Ahem." Batman cleared his throat and was please when everyone turned to look at him. Years of watching Alfred had helped him learn this particular skill and sadly this wasn't the first time he had been forced to use it for this exact same situation. "Since everyone is here let's get started. The first order of business is recruitment. Is there anyone that you feel would make a good addition to the League?"

To everyone's surprise Superman spoke up. "I do. Captain Marvel." He had never recommended anyone before so he must have been very impressed by Captain Marvel.

"Captain Marvel. Isn't he from Fawcett City?" Wonder Woman rarely kept up new heroes but even she watched the news every so often.

Fawcett City, it seemed, was crawling with giant robots and literal monsters. The Justice League had almost been forced to intervene but Captain Marvel's timely appearance had made that unnecessary.

The fact that one man had made such a difference and had managed to maintain a cheerful disposition was truly astounding. Truthfully, if Superman hadn't recommended him, Batman had been planning on checking him out anyways. They could certainly use another sorcerer. Plus it would be easier for Batman to find a weakness in case he ever went rogue.

"Is he even interested?" J'onn asked. "Are we certain that he will be a good fit?"

"I'll admit he's a little immature and naïve but is eager to help and he would jump at the chance," Superman's smile was tinged with amusement.

"I don't have a problem with him joining," Flash shrugged.

"As long as it's not Guy I don't care," Hal agreed.

"Is he really that bad?" Black Canary asked. "I mean, I've heard the stories but I always thought they were exaggerated."

"Only if Guy's telling it," Hal groaned. "The guy's a walking sexual harassment lawsuit just waiting to happen."

"What about the other Green Lantern?" Wonder Woman asked.

"John? He's not so bad. Pretty decent guy actually. In fact, I'll go ahead and recommend him," Hal nodded decisively.

"Anyone else?" Batman asked with a sigh. At this rate they would have to build another Watchtower just to house all of their potential recruits.

Flash shrugged. "I can't really think of anyone. There aren't really any other heroes in Central or Keystone."

"Same here," J'onn sighed.

"What about the two of you?" Superman turned to look at Green Arrow and Black Canary.

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