Chapter 6

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The sun shied away in the distance as stars flooded the sky, nighttime was approaching, the cold settled into her bones as the land was hushed to a whisper. She liked times like this, just her alone, the world quiet, admiring the beauty around her. The normal smile that would spread on her face wasn't  there today, must've gotten lost in all her thoughts. She didn't feel the usual satisfaction when looking at the sky, it scared her. If she couldn't feel that peace that was keeping her here...would she stay here?

She pondered about life, if it was worth living, she stopped believing in god a long time ago when she realised nobody was coming to help her. Sometimes she wonders if guardian angels are real, if everyone else got one except her. She alway feels alone, so alone. It's like a leech, attaching itself to her and sucking all her emotions and energy, permanent death following her. Death is greedy, there's so much life everywhere around her and yet she's still the target. The love she had for her mother ran deep into the roots of her shattered heart, even if her mother was the one destroying her life. She craved the mother daughter bond every normal family has, instead she's thrown into a dark room and left alone. Tears rolled down her face as she thought about the neglectful ways she's been treated, she screams for someone to save her but as soon as she's heard everyone walks away.

The moon shone like a luminous pearl, stars scattered around like glimmering pixie dust. Most people will have experienced some sort of pain in their life, but the worst pain is when the person you love the most is the one inflicting it. silently weeping as the pain crept inside her delicate heart. She allowed her emotions to take control as negative thoughts ran loose through her mind, depressing words oozed from her tongue with a beautiful melody creating the perfect song. She peacefully let go of reality and got lost within her own words, She closed her eyes and continued to sing, her voice laced with passion and pain. The silence grew louder as her voice became a whisper before ceasing to exist in that memorable moment. She slowly opened her eyes, disappointment playing with her heart as still no emotions were there. She sighed and laid down, it was about 6 O'clock. She had wished the day away thinking about her future, whether she'd even have a future. She closed her eyes as sleep claimed her for the night.

The Girl At The LakeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz