Ray Guns

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If the song is still here, its bc I was listening to it while writing and I'm too lazy to use yt :)

Pew. Pew. Pew.

I dodge more and more blasts, fighting the Dracs back. Jet is next to me, and we fight together. Some other killjoy is with us and kills a Drac.

"Bai bitch!" They yell out. I glare at them and continue my job.

There's only a few Dracs left, when suddenly everything freezes. Almost as if something happened. I look down and see that killjoy that I didn't know, was...my Party. My Party was hurt. I quickly drop to the ground and I pull him to me.

"Party don't you dare." I tell him. I see the blood coming out of his chest, and I see the tears running down his face.

"Ghoulie, I'll be fine. I-if I don't make it, please don't do anything you'll regret" he says and I rest my forehead against his. Tears stream down my face and drip onto his. I watch as our tears mix and run down his face together.

"Ghoul, I love you" he mutters. "Look alive, Sunshine" he whispers as his body goes limp.

My eyes widen and i pull him closer. I start shaking as the tears rub down my face faster. I'm full on sobbing by now, and I can't do anything to bring him back. My Poison. My Party Poison. Gone. I feel someone's hand on my shoulder and I look up, expecting to see Jet. But...not seeing Jet. I look around and realize nothing is the same. Everything seems...darker than the desert. The man whose hand is on my shoulder, has pure white hair, and skeleton face paint. He is wearing a black marching uniform

"W-where am I?" I ask, slightly shyly due to me not knowing who this is or where the fuck I am

"Welcome, to the Black Parade." He says. His voice sounds familiar and doesnt, at the same time. I notice he has a hand out for me to take, so I take it.

"You're alive. How are you here?" He asks me.

"I-I don't know... my partner was killed and I didn't let go." I tell him. He nods.

"Oh well, you should probably move. We must welcome the new one." He says, gesturing to Party.

"What's his name?" He asks, inspecting Party.

"Party Poison" I reply quietly. He nods. He carefully lifts Party's head and slips off his mask. He waves his hand and around Party's eyes darken, as if he were a skeleton and his eyes were no longer there. His bright clothes and hair change and darken to match the world, and I stick out like a sore thumb.

The skeleton man stands, and looks at me.

"I-Im Fun Ghoul by the way." I say. "But everyone calls me Ghoul or Ghoulie"

"I'm Gerard." He says. "But its easier for people to call me Gee." I nod and look at Party.

"Ave atque vale (/hail and farewell)" I mutter in Latin.

Sorry I took so long updating. And yes that last part is a Shadowhunters reference. When Shadowhunters die, they say "hail and farewell" in Latin

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2021 ⏰

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