Chapter 1

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Lisa's POV

"I'd rather die than get married to a man." I groaned to myself.

I glanced at myself in the mirror, my long dark maroon hair was flowing with the water, my golden crown rested on my head with ease. It was a reminder of what was to come. My green eyes looked almost visible with the amount of decorations these mermaids placed on my face. Startfishes dressed along my chest and pearls wrapped around my wrist.

They said I needed to look pretty for my future husband.

Well they could all piss off, I don't need a man to survive. I've come all this was on my own and I'd be damned if I let a man make any decisions for me and the rest of my fish life.

I ran a hand through my hair, and admired myself in the mirror, my light and dark green tail glittered under the reflected light, a white veil rested on my crown that covered my face. My hands found the shell necklace my mother gave me. It was the only thing I have left for her.

Yeah she's dead.

Call me blunt but that's exactly how I am. People waste too much time beating around the bush. I find it highly annoying.

I was just fourteen when my mother was taken away from me. One day we swam off the open valley, it was our usual spot to get away from the hustle of our lives. The only part of the ocean where grass grew, it's what attracted to us to the area in the first place.

But on this day, a few humans with a fetish for fishes decided to throw a net into the ocean. You'd think we'd be smart enough to get away from a simple rope. Sadly, it tangled around my tail, my mother tried to free me from its grasp.

With one swift pull, she was taken to the surface. Gone. Just like that, it was far too late for me or anyone to aid to her rescue.

She was gone. I never saw the woman that nurtured me. The woman that was supposed to brush my hair until I shift off Mer-cademy. The woman that was supposed to be there for me. She was gone.

"Are you ready, Lisa?" A voice came from behind, I whipped my neck around to see a mermaid hovering at the door.

"I'm coming." I mumbled, she nodded and swam away, leaving the door slightly ajar.

My fingers ran over the shell necklace again, I bit my lips nervously as I recalled the face of my mother. Her strong jawline, her smile that lit up the whole Atlantis, she was special in her own way. A rule breaker, that's something I inherited from her.

She was scared to speak her mind, I guess that's why my father fell in love with her in the first place.

He was so in love back then, it's been five years. Five years since we both lost someone we loved so dearly.

Neither of us have moved out but we both changed, he changed for the worse. The man consumed himself with work to avoid his feelings.

I could understand that he needed an escape but he took it out on me. He fell into a dark hole and trapped himself in there. My father was never the same after that incident, he was the dark cloud of the Atlantis.

And now he was marrying me off to a man I've never seen before. I guess freewill doesn't exist in here.

The second I turned eighteen, he knew exactly what to do. Just get rid of me already.

It stings, it really does. How could you marry your only daughter off to a prince. I'm gay for fuck's sake dad!

Men never seemed to catch my attention. You see, my father is the King of Atlantis, many suitors tried to shoot their shot.

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