An Escape Made Easy

Start from the beginning

"Lord Orochimaru, there is no new news of them going after the boy yet. The Akatsuki are only after people from the Black Bingo book for now. That is all the information that has circulated on them. As for...." Kabuto continued to talk, but I went back to my humming. I sighed and started listening to my surroundings. I could hear the cry of bugs and the rustle of the leaves swaying in the wind as their branches creaked.

"Hitsuki, we are almost there. Go on ahead," Kabuto said. I nodded tiredly. It had been midday when we left to the Leaf, and now it was sundown. Do you realize how early I had to get up to leave our base just to get to the Leaf at midday? I am exhausted. I walked into the passage and left to my room. I had only had breakfast this morning, but I had lost my appetite to exhaustion. I had lain down on my bed, and was out like a light.


I woke up to a knock on my door. Kabuto came in and told me to get dressed. Orochimaru had plans for us. I did as I was told, with my things packed, and followed Kabuto to Orochimaru. And, in case you were wondering, I made him stand in the hall way.

"Skip breakfast, nothing to drink either. You are to follow all of my plans for this to work. By now, you skill are that of at least a Chuunin...if not higher, but you are almost old enough to be a Jonin, seeing as you are twenty-three. You will begin your Chuunin exams with the rest of the Genin though. You will become a Leaf ninja. You remember nothing of your past and only know your name and Taijutsu. Lord Orochimaru is not sending you there; you will be taken by one of his henchmen. You are leaving now, and I am sorry for this but-" and then the little bastard knocked me out. When I see him again, I will so punch him. Suddenly I felt a stab in my abdomen and cried out, only to be smacked into the ground. I heard yelling and coughed up blood when the kunai was yanked roughly from my stomach at a very nasty angle, making more blood come up my throat.

"Are you okay?" I heard someone ask me. I coughed up more blood and my vision was blurry. One of them picked me up and was carrying me, I was losing blood quickly.

Well I guess I had blacked out for a bit because I woke up in a hospital bed. Damn. I groaned as I tried to sit up. My lips were cracked and my throat was dry. A nurse came in to check on me and brought me some water. "I will have to call someone to take you out, you only need bed rest and can leave today," the nurse said with a kind smile. You only know you name and Taijutsu. I started to freak out.

"Wh-where am I? I-What happened. I can't. I-I-I can't remember anything. I-I know m-my name. Tha-that's it." I started to hyperventilate, might as well be real good about it. I am such a great actress, well except now I actually was hyperventilating. The nurse was trying to get me to calm down, which I gladly obliged to after a second.

"Deep breathes. Now, do you remember anything else?" she asked slowly. I drank more water and shook my head no. "Oh, dear me. I guess you will have to see the Hokage."

I looked at her confused. "What's a Hokage?" I asked, puzzled. She sighed and muttered to herself as she left the room. I looked over and found my clothes on a chair. Well, I might as well get dressed. I grabbed my bag and pulled more clothes out, since there were blood stains on my other one and my shoes were destroyed. First, I wrapped up my arms in bandages, up to a smidge past my elbow, so that I could hide the scars on them. I pulled on a black kimono with off-the-shoulder sleeves. The sleeves went to my elbows and the bottom of the kimono went to about four inches above my knees. I pulled out a belt and wrapped it around my waist. There were fishnet leggings in the bottom, and I pulled them on next (they went to just above my knees), along with a fishnet glove. There were ninja shoes in the side pocket and I pulled them on. I was brushing my long orange and black hair, that went down to my waist, when the nurse came back in with a man that had a bandage across his nose.

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