Visiting Santa

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The Marauders were on the Hogwarts Express heading back home for their holiday break. The four seventeen year olds were very excited because Remus was telling them about this muggle activity where you can go meet Santa. Seeing as how James and Sirius had pure blood parents they never really got to do muggle things, Sirius' parents just hated muggles with a passion, while James' parents were just confused over muggle activities. When the boys were talking about what'd they do over break Remus jokingly brought up the idea. Upon hearing that James and Sirius had never visited Santa he insisted that they go to a mall to visit him. James quickly wrote a letter to his parents explaining on how they had to do it and his parents wrote back as quickly as possible to agree with their boy. So it was set on the 22nd of December the Marauders and James' parents were to go see Santa.
December 22nd
The boys woke up with a feeling of excitement because today they got to visit Santa. They quickly got ready because they were to meet him at 11:00am and the boys did not want to be late. They were downstairs ready to go by 9:30am which was their personal record. The family all got loaded into the car, to not raise suspicion, and headed to the mall. At the mall they saw a long line of people all anxiously waiting to greet Santa and tell them what they want for Christmas. Remus led them over to a table, while the older Potter's held their place in line, to a station where you can write a letter to Santa.
"Why do we need to write a letter if we're about to see him," Sirius asked confused.
"So that way we can give him our whole list, instead of the number one item we want for Christmas," Remus explained.
"Well what are we waiting for, let's start writing these letters," James exclaimed excitedly. With that the boys quickly got to work writing detailed letters, while the line got shorter and shorter.
"James, Sirius, Remus, Peter, it's our turn to say hello to Santa," Euphemia Potter yelled. "They're quite nice boys, you'll love them," she told Santa. The boys rushed on over to go greet Santa. "Hi," they all exclaimed at once.
"Well hello boys, what do you want for Christmas," Santa asked. All the boys started talking at once but as soon as Santa raised his hand they quickly quieted down.
"I have never seen them get that quiet that fast," Fleamont exclaimed shock lacing his voice.
Santa chuckled and said "Let's take this one at a time." Indicating to James he asked " What would you like for Christmas?"
"I would like a new Nimbler 1500 please," James asked.
"Sounds terrific. What would you like," he asked pointing to Remus.
"I would like any type of chocolate please," Remus said.
"Greta choice! And what about you young man," he asked Sirius.
"I would like a leather jacket please," Sirius said.
"Ooo punk. And finally what about you sir," Santa asked looking at Peter.
"Could I have a block of cheese," Peter asked quietly.
"I'll see what I can do. Those were all some great choices boys. Would you all like a picture," Santa asked. The boys all nodded their head. "Great, Gladys use the special roll of film" Santa said.
They all got ready to take the picture. Santa was in the middle seated in his chair, the parents were off to the side out of the way of the picture, James was standing next to Santa on his left, Remus was standing next to Santa on his right, Sirius was crouched down in front of Remus and Peter was crouched down in front of James. "1, 2, 3, say cheese and smile at the camera," Gladys said. The picture turned out perfectly, it was a Christmas miracle nothing bad happened.
"Boys come over here and look at the picture," Euphemia said.
Fleamont walked over to where Santa was standing. "So I have to ask you a question. Do you know about the other world," Fleamont asks, wand at the ready in case he had to use a memory wipe spell.
"Fleamont, of course I do. How do you think I travel around the world in one night to deliver presents to millions of children? After all I was top of my class at Ilvernmony. Once I heard those boys were going to be at this mall I knew I had to be down here myself. Also put your wand away, we wouldn't want any muggle getting suspicious now would we," Santa asked with a twinkle in his eye.
Author's Note: I didn't fact check for the correct time line on the broom. I just wrote down a number and a brand. Also I don't know how accurate I am to people in England visiting Santa, they might do it differently I don't know. I hope you all enjoy the story, have a happy holidays, and I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy.

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